I know we had this thread before and it was intersting. Post a PIC of your current Desktop. Here's my current. and a couple of my Favorite's.
Bonecrusher said:Here goes my 133t desktop!
«BuA»Lurker_71 said:oki, it's nothing grande, but here ya go...
«BuA»Lurker_71 said:Nice... 2nd one is nice as well.
So where'd you find these?
«BuA»Devastator said:Since I don't know how to take a pic of my desktop, I'll just post the image that is on it right now.
«BuA»Lurker_71 said:This may seem kinda weird, but I hate having all those icons on my desktop!!!
My desktop is for ... well... wallpaper!
Usually I use pics of skins or levels I've made, but after those "sweet" links were posted by TAZ (thx, btw)... I had to get me some Angelina Jolie wallpaper, and some DragonBallZ wallpaper, and some nifty 3d wallpaper...
and so on and so forth..