UE2 - UT2kX Known bugs in v3369

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Attention Micronians
Jun 15, 2009
(Are there any bug tracking sections on the BU wiki for this type of information? Given the coincidental nature of many errors, it would be helpful to rule out whether a mod introduces an error, for instance.)

Accessed none logged client-side when pawn dies in bWaterVolume in network game. This happens because the client does not change state from PlayerSwimming immediately upon dying.

Client-side log:
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.PlayerMove:0076) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:0022) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:0034) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:006B) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:00B4) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:00E5) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:00ED) Accessed None
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.ProcessMove:0102) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange:000A) Accessed None 'NewVolume'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange:001A) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange:0032) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: xPlayer DM-Dev.xPlayer0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerSwimming.NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange:0047) Accessed None 'Pawn'

Steps to reproduce:
Start a client-server game.
Jump in a bWaterVolume; die (drowning, damage; self-inflicted or otherwise).

Solution or workaround:
One fix that seems to work is to intercept the state event PawnDied on the server, then force the client to change state. The fix is implemented in a PlayerController-derived class.

The bug is in PlayerController.

// *F* 2010-11-26 15:22 rejecht
// Attempted fix for bug in official code in network play:
// Dying while swimming causes accessed none errors client-side, because
// the client is not changing state to Dead.

state [B]PlayerSwimming[/B]
    event [B]PawnDied[/B] (Pawn [B]P[/B])
        Global.PawnDied (P);
        ClientGotoState ('Dead', 'Begin');


Jul 12, 2005
Oh never noticed this bug, though this game is so old anyway it'll probably never be officially fixed nor given community permission to fix it and release it as a patch.

Also check out my mutator which fixed quite a lot of known annoying bugs discovered in Assault Trials http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/User:Eliot/MutNoAutoFire#Features, there are way more known bugs which are fixed in an unofficial server side patch on our server ;)(about 100 or something).

Even though this might be useless to fix and or to talk about, I believe making a bugs wiki page for UT2004 might be fun for the sake of collecting(except the dangerous bugs!).


Attention Micronians
Jun 15, 2009
This is more of an awareness thing for those still messing about now and then.

Thanks. I'll have a look. ^^ (OK, source code provided; good. No list of bugs or rationale for the various fixes (except the short list on the page), but that's understandable; it takes longer to write about the bugs than fixing them, and after using much time to find them, one sometimes forgets or don't want to. ;))

There should definitely be a list of known bugs for all the games.
Whatever you're not aware of will seriously screw you over. :)
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