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New Member
Feb 18, 2005
Are You skilled in Unreal Modding? Would you like to work for a devoted team of mod developers?

The Killing Floor team are calling anyone who is willing to work to the end, on the following areas:

Texture art/Skinning

With the firm base created by our lead artist Alex, we can get this mod off in a few months! You can have your name on one of the most atmospheric and exciting mods to date!

The mod is a survival horror genre, and has been built to please the eye, as well as the imagination!

Killing Floor Website

If your interested, please e-mail the following address. Please tell us your name, past experience and show some of your work to us!

Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Thanks and looking forward to your e-mail!

Killing Floor
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New Member
Feb 18, 2005
[SAS]Solid Snake said:
A hotmail address.
No information provided.
No previous work provided.
No examples of work provided.

Your going no where.

Yes, we unfortunately lost our hosting a few days ago. We are working on finding a new host.

Unfortunately, that also means that I couldn't show work that has already been made.

True, it may mean that it was a bad time to recruit. But because I have sent a post now, doesnt mean that I can't later.

This is well-established. It's not just started off, we have been going for several months.

The image attached to hotmail is generally right, but not all the time.
After all, it is just an free, well-run e-mail service provided by an extremely well known company.
That sort of generalisation is what created racism and sexism... Think about it.

"Your going no where." - To bad, we've already got somewhere then, isnt it?

Solid Snake, I also remember that i have met you before. On another forum perhaps?


Heres are some screenshots though:



Killing Floor
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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Unfortunately, that also means that I couldn't show work that has already been made.
Lies. You can attach images on the forum, or link to pages like you did in your second post.

After all, it is just an free, well-run e-mail service provided by an extremely well known company.
That sort of generalisation is what created racism and sexism... Think about it.
What the hell. The reason why I brought it up was that pretty much every joe schmoe gets a hotmail an announces whatever. It could be a fake or whatever else. Thus is only adds to the possibility of being a rather redundant mod.

True, it may mean that it was a bad time to recruit. But because I have sent a post now, doesnt mean that I can't later.
Not so much as that, but rather your not providing hardly any information about your mod in your first post. What you posted was pretty much what every other new mod posts. i.e Mod name - Looking for x talent skilled people - Join here. Very few details of what's going on.

This is well-established. It's not just started off, we have been going for several months.
It'd be nice if you linked some screenshots in your first post ...

I doubt you've met me before, I don't go to many other forums.

See now thats a bit better. Putting up some screen shots links you to having done some stuff to get people wanting to join your mod. If you make people work to join you, then they won't bother.
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May 17, 2003
One of the best looking mods I've ever seen. Kudos to texture artists especially. :)

I wonder why sp mods are not popular as multiplayer mods. I hope someone can explain me. I mean the screenshots look really interesting and unique in the true sense. You guys need some publicity.

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
It can be due to a couple of things. Multiplayer games tend to often get a very large community behind them as well as clan formation, thus the sheer number of people that actually play a multiplayer game/mod is usually a lot larger than single player games/mods. Also people seem to prefer to play with other people, as pretty much anything is fun with a few people ... as it leads to more excitement of taking someone down and so on. The other possibilities is the single player games/mods are very difficult to make. Not in the technical sense, but rather what is 'fun' sense or the game play factor of the game/mod. Also single player games/mods require an x factor which is hard to describe.

Like take for example Unreal II. A lot of people said it wasn't really worth the money paid for the game, and even though it was a culmination of all other types of SP games out there before, on general people didn't really like it.

Making SP games gives the creators an oppurtunity to tell a story or an event to the player. However if the story/event lacks in sufficient detail then often the player is then detached from the story/event. Say for example the beginning lines are "Year is 2075 and the robots have take over the world". If there is no further explanation about the past events of how this actually occured or further development other than that (the game is about blasting millions of robots into the ground) then the SP game is deemed as another run of the mill FPS.

The second part which is difficult is character development. Because they aren't making a film (thus should restrict in-game movies to a length, e.g MGS2 did way to many) character development must come in a form which doesn't distrub gameplay but also allows the player to get an attachment to the characters within the game. It might be as small as allowing the player to converse randomly with the NPC or in that NPC's slowly reveal themselves to you (e.g by reacting to what you do ... mercy killing makes NPC's more angry, sad, happy). This requires a lot of work, but also requires extra work in the creation of an NPC. For example in Doom 3, there were very little character developments so all of the characters were pretty much forgettable.

Thirdly is the levels. Levels are a very finicky thing. They can't be too long, too short, too straight forward, too complex nor too difficult. You want to achieve the right balance in all of them as well as have the levels connecting to the story in a meaningful way. Unreal II pretty much failed to connect it's levels together to form a story. In Unreal II you went from planet to planet, but it left an overall feeling that the levels weren't really well connected with each other. I believe Deus Ex had a somewhat solid connection between levels.

Lastly (there are many more points btw) there are also other technical areas which often fail a SP game. A good one to point out is how to handle saving. You could either let the player save any time he/she wants but you run into the problem of quick savers (they shoot an enemy, save, shoot another enemy and save) which can lead to the deterioation of game play (they actually complain it is too easy). A possible fix is to have auto skilling of enemies but you can run into dangers there (A godlike enemy on level 3 would be too hard). Or you can only allow players to save at checkpoints. The problem there is that towards the end of most games development cycle those things seem to get longer and longer and ill placed, in that if you died you would have to repeat a lot of repetitive sections that weren't hard but were just long. This is a technical issue more than anything else ... but they are seen in many SP games these days.

All of these issues combine are usually judged on a SP game a lot, and often MP games skip a lot of these issues simply because they don't need to actually do it (Character development can be non-existent in a MP game).


New Member
Feb 18, 2005
Very well said Solid Snake.

I'm not too sure whether you thought this was a SP mod? but I want to inform you all that this IS a multiplayer mod.
We have (for some reason) also been thought of as a singleplayer mod.

One of our main ambitions is to create the detail and complexity of Single player maps into Multiplayer maps.

The creation of this mod, was relly to break free from the mainstream. When this was first started off, about 7 out of 10 mods were Counterstrike replicas. So many modifications about modern warfare. The weapons, teams, maps were all extremely similar.

We didn't really like arena-styled maps. We felt that they were too reptitive and... exhausting.

We wanted to make our maps, so that you have sub-scenarios inside the game. Personal battles etc. you fight for each bit of land, or in fact for each other.

Our focus was for the better part of games. It's all well and good for the first couple of players, just spray'n'pray. But that gets boring.
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New Member
Feb 18, 2005
[SAS]Solid Snake said:
eastgate2 was asking why multiplayer games were more popular than singleplayer games, so I thought I might shed some light from my point of view on plausible reasons.

Yeah i understand.

I was talking to eastgate2 though. :D


New Member
Feb 18, 2005
Hello again,

Our website is back up and running!

Please visit, drop us a post in the forums, and/or if your interested in joining the team, send us an email!

Killing Floor Website


-{SC}- Renamon

BigHead Bot Master
Jul 27, 2004
Will this mod force your appearance? Also will it work with mutators? I would love to have MonkeyMatrixMoves or whatever with this one while keeping my current model(ghost)


New Member
Feb 18, 2005
-{SC}- Renamon said:
Will this mod force your appearance? Also will it work with mutators? I would love to have MonkeyMatrixMoves or whatever with this one while keeping my current model(ghost)

Yes, this is a total conversion. It would be ridiculous to have default UT models in a survival horror modification that bleeds atmosphere.

Also, the story would never fit the default models in.

No, we (most likely) wont include Mutators for the same reasons as above. It would look and feel ridiculous and spoil months of work on creating a dark and moving modification.

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New Member
Sep 7, 2001
Visit site
That post was really useful Solid Snake. Although my mod is already going against your first two points :) but I think I'm well justified in doing that for that project. I prefer to make single player mods because it's difficult to really play a multiplayer mod unless it becomes very popular. If you have no one else to play against you can't really enjoy it. With a single player mod, you can enjoy it by yourself so imo it's a success even if only a handful of people like it.

Back on topic, this mod looks great and it's a great idea that I think could work. Keep up the good work :)