Kill Team - an idea

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New Member
Jun 19, 2004
Hi all, an idea i've just been pondering is *shock horror* an aliens mod. Now before everyone decides to flame me, hear me out.

It would be something like, and i'm being very blunt and uncreative, a cross between defence alliance and alien swarm. game is played in first person, not top down, with classes and skills.

Skills aren't going to be limited to the classes though. Ie. a soldier can take a medic skill point though the medic will start with 1 or 2 skill points and the soldier starts with none.

The gameplay would revolve around "marines" [insert uncreative rant here] taking the pro-active roll of maps either being sent into hives to destroy a lair, breaking through hordes of aliens or even attempting to rescue the other half of the team.

My technical knowledge extends to basic modelling but i'm pretty good with the game maths, ie. damage values and what not.

If anyone is interested in helping me, i'll be glad to workshop the idea :)