Unreal JGrass v2.11 Released! GxCoop & GLevelSecurity Released!

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Jun 22, 2011
[Taken from my post at OldUnreal]

For those of you who know about my development on JGrass, GxCoop and GLevelSecurity, it's just been released at the UDHQ website! http://udhq.org

For those who don't know what JGrass is, there's plenty of info on the site and in the README files, but I'll give a brief overview here.

As an Unreal server administrator, over the years I've experienced frustration with choosing gametypes -- some offer great modularity for extension via mods and others offer excellent security features. Because the GameInfo class does nothing to discern between security relevant and gameplay relevant functions, we're faced with the problem of having to make tough choices between security and gameplay. What if you want to run CTF, but have the excellent security of a security model used in only Coop games? What if you want to run a cooperative gametype, but are upset with the lack of security which is found in team deathmatch gametypes? Because GameInfo glues together security and game mechanic aspects of the game, a server owner is often forced to deal with either reduced security or impaired gameplay.

That's what JGrass seeks to rectify. It divides the GameInfo interface into two subinterfaces pertinent to security and game mechanics, respectively. As a server owner, this means that you don't have to worry about being forced to play a certain way (i.e. you can't have any variations in your coop/dm/whatever gametype) or risk compromising your security model. Yes, mutators can help modify the behavior in your server without significantly altering your security model (in most cases), but sometimes mutators aren't enough. Sometimes it would be much nicer to have the full control over game mechanics without having to think about security implications at all. On the flip side, it would be nice to write a security model without caring what the underlying gametype is! This is what JGrass enables.

On the site I've provided two example handlers (one for game logic and one for security) that provide basic functionality and two server-ready handlers (again, one game logic and one security). Here's a brief list of the handlers:

GNoSecurity - Simple security model. Allows all actions.
GCoopGame - Simple game logic model. Implements stock Unreal coop.
GLevelSecurity - Level based security model. Similar to that found in xCoop.
GxCoop - Coop game with HUD, score & playerclass mapping controls. Spiritual successor to xCoop.

Any questions, comments or general feedback are always appreciated. :)

In observance of a minor summon bug where summon was not forwarding complete information to the handlers, JGrass has been updated to v2.12.

I've also updated the help documentation. It can be found here.
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New Member
Jun 22, 2011
(Sorry for the double post -- requesting that this reply be deleted as I will now make all updates to the OP. Thanks!)
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