JB200x: View your team mates !!!

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New Member
Feb 22, 2003
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If you're in jail and you wanna pass the time, you can view how your teammates are doing!
Like in the old UT/JB, Mychaeel has brought back this feature in JB200x.

Make some keybinds:

Lets you spectate from a teammate's point of view (selecting a free, jailed or any teammate, respectively). If you're a spectator or logged in as an administrator, switches through players of both teams.

Resets your viewpoint to your own point of view if you were previously watching through a camera or from a teammate's point of view.

I myself use:
F4 for ViewSelf (to easily switch back to your own view, which could be a pain in JB3 sometimes)
F5 for ViewTeamFree (I only use it when in jail)

(are these in the manual btw?)