I've been thinking this for a while...
Unreal 2 will suck.
They've f*cked up the weapons, mutilated the storyline, lost the "feel," and now reviewers are slamming Unreal as "a great graphics engine but shallow compared to Half-Life"
This is f*cking crazy. We ALL know Unreal was better than Half-Life...it had more depth...it had a more instinctual and visceral feel to it...and now they're continuing with a lukewarm storyline, "team-mates," pathetic new weapons...etc...
And anyway, new-west space-marshalls would have military-style weapons right? Not "mindclaws" and "leech guns" but assault rifles and shotguns, like the marines in Return to Na Pali. And why is your entire crew dressed like sex-crazed maniacs with insane amounts of cleavage dropping out? This is MILITARY-STYLE?!! And why is the military getting mixed up with alien wars? Wouldn't that be the job of a spec-ops unit or something?! At least in Unreal you were left to your own devices, without "mission objectives."
Why can't U2 have a deeper feel, and not just wind up as as 31337 Force clone?! I have yet to see any hint of the original's feel and more mature theme. Instead what I see is little Billy Bob Marine running around sticking his face down into his crew-member's boobs. No, unless they do a 180 and start heading in the right direction, with a mature theme and plot, they're not getting MY money.
Yeah, flame me... but I had to say it...
Unreal 2 will suck.
They've f*cked up the weapons, mutilated the storyline, lost the "feel," and now reviewers are slamming Unreal as "a great graphics engine but shallow compared to Half-Life"
This is f*cking crazy. We ALL know Unreal was better than Half-Life...it had more depth...it had a more instinctual and visceral feel to it...and now they're continuing with a lukewarm storyline, "team-mates," pathetic new weapons...etc...
And anyway, new-west space-marshalls would have military-style weapons right? Not "mindclaws" and "leech guns" but assault rifles and shotguns, like the marines in Return to Na Pali. And why is your entire crew dressed like sex-crazed maniacs with insane amounts of cleavage dropping out? This is MILITARY-STYLE?!! And why is the military getting mixed up with alien wars? Wouldn't that be the job of a spec-ops unit or something?! At least in Unreal you were left to your own devices, without "mission objectives."
Why can't U2 have a deeper feel, and not just wind up as as 31337 Force clone?! I have yet to see any hint of the original's feel and more mature theme. Instead what I see is little Billy Bob Marine running around sticking his face down into his crew-member's boobs. No, unless they do a 180 and start heading in the right direction, with a mature theme and plot, they're not getting MY money.
Yeah, flame me... but I had to say it...