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New Member
Dec 6, 1999
Leuven / Belgium
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when a mod makes a huge fuzz, advertises big time and doesn't bring out anything, the fans will go crazy and are willing to die for it and go posting on some other's mod forum(a mod that has released something) and tell there that mod x will beat the one that is released.

It seems that mods that aren't realeased yet have a more hard core fans than the ones that are released. Does that mean that when a mod releases, all those hard core idiots become fans of other mods because they are dissapointed?

Well, i think they are idiots, because how in the hell can you know that a mod that hasn't released yet will be better than a mod that you could have played for more than a year and is still improving?

If those other mods are great (once released) i'll certainly play them, but until then... inf is my choice!(and will always have a special place on my hard drive)

Tip of the year...

Always bet on the winning horse...
hell, there is only one horse in the race right now...

(For those that haven't a clue, the mods that aren't released yet are: Strike force and Swat)

Excuse me for my crappy english and i'm sorry if i have offended anyone, but i'm tired of all the people that have nothing better to do then break down mods just because they are frustrated that "their mod" isn't released yet.
To hell with those guys!

Sylvester - Team Duck


Real Maps Coordinator

I dont think you can distinguish on a mods release/unrealease; some mods that have been released have super hard core fans (need I even say the name? /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) While others have not been release and have the same rabid fans. Ultimately it comes down to the individual. Ive been playing INF since it came out, since it was the only real world mod, and have never gone on any other MB's and said, make 'your mod be like x', or 'your mod sux'. I find that some people just like to fling sht, and also remember that the average gamer is not an adult but an adolescent, easily swept up in whatever is at hand (no offense to those adolescents that display otherwise, but you honestly are an anomaly) but also adults can be just as immature as anyone, as we all know.

I dont think that anyone can disagree that putting your money on a horse that youve never seen run is foolish, this goes for any mods including INF, after all only the beta testers know whats happening with the current beta versions. Same things with games, I thought SOF would be cool, but I hated it (repeat: I hated it, that doesnt mean its a bad game). Now TFC2 may end up being the best game around, but we will never know until it comes out, you can never count the chicks before they hatch.

The final thing is that people seem to feel that all real life mods are the same. Now Im aware of and have played all of them out there that are available (INF, SF, SWAT, Matrix, AUT, Navy Seals for Q3, CS, Firearms, Sherman Project for HL, theres more but I dont remember them) and ALL of these games are as different as night and day. All I play are real life FPS and lumping them together does a diservice to the people that make them, they are all very differnt, the only thing they have in common is that that they have the real life theme running through them, mods have to be judged on their own merits not in relation to another one.

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