was waiting for Inf 2.8 really worth it? I've been eagerly waiting for the release of 2.8 for quite a while, and now, If I think about it, I should have done something more constructive with my time. I could have done so much over the summer: got a g/f, a car, a good job, and other things...but instead, I never spoke one word (other than "hi") to this lady that I liked so much, never got my driver's licence, quit my job after 2 weeks and dropped everything else just because I wanted to get on the computer so badly. Right now, I am seriously thinking about giving up my computer and accomplishing the things that I've should have done...the only thing is that I always wanted to become an experienced programmer, and I don't want to just 'give that up' so easly... what should I do? I am kind of stuck between two things ( both are somewhat rewarding, but there are still some drawbacks that I don't really like ) and I can't make a decision /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif