Realism mods don't require the same amount of imagination as futuristic mods. As someone stated earlier, there are thousands of real weapons and real life presents thousands of different scenarios.
But when a mod team wants to create a futuristic mod, they have to design newer and better weapons, both in design and application. Create a mod that has a pulse rifle, people will judge it and cry "Copy". This judgementalism forces most mod teams to design realism mods.
Technically, realism is just as hard to design and create as futuristic mods. The only thing that is harder for futuristic mods, is the initial design that requires more imagination and originality.
IMO, the number one killer of realism mods is the sniper rifle. I haven't found one mod, or game, that actually balanced the sniper rifle. Hmm...maybe Tribes, but I'm talking realism. Don't believe me? Then play Infiltration or Delta Force Land Warrior without scopes or sniper rifles. The game becomes more intense and less about who finds the best spot to camp and snipe. Yes, that limits the definition of realism, but I believe its the best solution.
I'm in the military and know from experience that snipers don't have these advantages. The flash of the muzzle and bang could give away their position after the first shot. After the second shot, their position IS compromised.
It's very rare that a sniper will take more than three shots from the same position. They will kill their target, but they won't be able to attack and elimate 10 targets at the same position. And you won't have eight people carrying sniper rifles.
Realism mods need to start limiting the load outs of a team. I've suggested to several realism mod teams that they incorporate a dynamic load out system. This system will allow each member to choose a primary weapon and a secondary weapon. But it is a "first come, first serve". Basically, whoever chooses a weapon first receives that weapon and the weapon will be deleted from the inventory. Those who are slow, wind up with what's left.
That doesn't mean they will only have the knife

. It means that for a team of 8, there would be:
1 sniper rifle
2 M-16's (with or without grenade launchers...but only two)
1 Heavy Weapon (M-60)
4 MP5's (or any other sub machine gun)
8 sets of grenades
8 sets of m-9 pistols (or any hand gun)
two scopes for sub machine or M-16 weapons (but all the members can't have scopes)
and whatever general weapon they included into the mod
Basically, limit the team to one sniper rifle and scopes. Before you jump into the server, this inventory (or whatever the admin set up) will be available to choose from. I find it boring to join a server and see everyone with a sniper rifle or scoped machine gun...