Install UT3 extras on win7? but where?

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finally got myself a nice beefy rig to play all my preciouses on. I need to have a nice fully online ready version of UT3 installed and all the extras the awesome community has made for it.

However.. Where in the name of Fluff does one install things in order for the game to have them show up?

I'm on Windows 7 now and am wondering if anyone can nail down exactly which directory I install things like maps, map packs and custom content to.

This is also the Steam version, which boggles me even more. I had CBP stuff all over the place and some was showing up, some wasn't., so I am at the moment on a barebones install of the Black Edition straight from Steam.


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
I'm guessing it would be the same as the retail, which is...

E:\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps
Nov 4, 2001
The Kitchen
I install everything to ..\Steam\steamapps\common\unreal tournament 3\UTGame on my non-OS hard drive. However, UT3 pretty much refuses to recognize the Config folder in that location, so you need to keep all your inis in the ..\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame location. Be sure to save these files before reformatting if you don't want to reconfigure everything once you get the OS back up (assuming, of course, your steam install isn't on the OS drive).


Jan 20, 2008
Now, I was quite a while sceptical about the way UT3 handled the installs, but now I see that it makes sense. By default you install everything to C:\Users\*YourUserNameHere*\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame. You can install it, like Waffnuffly says, to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\unreal tournament 3\UTGame, BUT it will get destroyed the next time you reinstall UT3. If you install everything to your Documents, it will not be destroyed, and you will have every single mod and configuration back instantly!

So essentially, UT3's setup is like UT2004, with additional paths to Documents for easy reinstall, thus you should install everything there.
Thanks for all the input guys.

Everything's pretty standard here though. All on C:\ drive. (got a terabyte here and it's not even 1/5 used.)

EDIT: Figured out what might be a problem. Stupid win7 decided that my user name folder should be ReadOnly. Would that screw this up as much as I think it can?

Tried un-checking the ReadOnly option in the folder's properties, but of course it gave me some error about admin rights... which I solely should have.. I'm pretty sure I set this thing up right on day 1.

(I hate all the crap they put in these OS's to prevent people from getting to files etc,.. 'cause they share their pc with other ppl. No one touches my computer, I don't need or want any of these extra "security measures".)

sigh. back to square 1 and see if I can give myself my admin rights, for my pc.
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Jan 20, 2008
If you right-click and see Read Only as a square, that means it's not Read only, that just means it has subfolders which weren't checked for readonlyness. Actually, even folders with two files have a square there. So I doubt it's your problem.