Infra-red goggles...

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An idea for V.3 Infra red goggles. Be fairly simple to implement into the coding wouldn't it? It would mean a few extra skins to show heat traces on the models but other than that a simple semi transperant layer of blue would do the trick.

Dark rooms now become easy to find enemies in, good for finding that camper lurking in the shadows of a room.

Also has night vision been considered? This may be a little harder to implement, would it be done similar to a flashlight, but it is really bright but is only visible to the person using the goggles.

Problems may arise with the coding of extra light sources blinding the night vision users.

Anyway, give us your thoughts.

RaekwoN out.


Yeah, both of these have been extensively thought about, worked on, and tossed around. Fact is, it's a lot more difficult to do than we thought it would. We're hoping UT offers a couple extra goodies to allow us at least one of the 2. If we can figure out something, we may be adding a couple last minute items and/or scopes!