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RaekwoN here, author of the coming map InF_DesertCompound. Just posting to give a few details of whats in the map at the moment and to get some suggestions on what should be in there.


- Ladders. Yep there are fully functioning ladders in my map, no longer are you restricting to running up and down ramps and stairs.

- Sniper position.

- Bunker.

- Sandbag positions.

- New textures. (taken from Half-Life)

Yeah thats about it. Check out the screenshots if you haven't already at the map depot. So any suggestions are welcome, I'm about 3-4 days off completing so get in quick.

RaekwoN out.


Thanks Billdog, I will do that. I was a little nagative to your response to my last map, Ghetto. But I took it wrong, you see I couldn't be bothered to make all the corrections, this time I should be able to though.

Suggestions PLEASE


Yeah yeah Neo, will send you a copy too, but I want suggestions not a mailing list... :p


FX, yes I know it is a multiplayer map, but still.

- A sun.

- Use ambient zone light to make all the inside dark without shadows.

- Differentiate things like: lights (make the outside very strong with almost umbra) and zone reverb.

- Chopper sounds and a frantic radio call for help when the map starts.

- Something to blow up.

- Cramped subterranean bunkers and pass ways.

- A radio to call for air strike, all the zones are triggered pain zones except below surface. Only the team using the radio is warned.


Ladders? did you get these to work. The only ladders I've seen were lame and didn't really work.

I am really interested in seeing these ladders and how the work (and using them in my own levels of course /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif



In one of the ill-haven series, I believe it was number 3(they're all really great) they had a ladder, open that up and c how he did it. :0



Ladders are actually quite easy...

- Create a set of stairs with the step depth being 2 or so. This makes for a steep set of stairs.

- Select every surface on the brush and make them invisible.

- Make the brush itself semi-solid

- Make a 'fake' ladder, to give the illusion that the player is using a ladder and not travelling upward on thin air.

- Make sure that the stair brush and the ladder brush do not intersect, keep them apart, this may cause BSP problems.

The best part about it is that the stairs which would normally consist of heaps of polys, doesn't show up on the poly count, cuase it's invisible /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif.

That's all my secrets, given away...

Oh yeah Billdog, I don't like zone lights, give me shadows anyday.

RaekwoN out.


It was in Illhaven I, in the smith. You can also se the trick in INF_KainiSO except there it is visible (and the trick is for it to be invisible). You can make ladders with a watherzone or mover, thou I don't find these types very successful.

Otherwise there is the code way. If you have tried playing Klingon Honor Guard (the demo also have this feature), you will se an almost perfect ladder. Were it not for the fact that it is a decoration, so retexturing and resizeing it will not work so good.
Code ladders usual revolve around zones, movers and replacement pawns.
Zone ladders basically is the same as the tweaked waterzone a mapper uses.
Mover ladders uses a mover that the player might be able to control, to move the player.
Replacement ladders either replaces the ordinary playerpawn at spawn (an enhanced playerpawn) or in the time frame the pawn it using the ladder.

I recommend the mover version, as long as the mover isn't visible.

Climbing animations rock (this is intended as a hint Warren).


I've tried the zone ones in the past, they work ok but one problem, you can't go down.
Also you have to stick the ladders in odd alcoves to get the zones to work without too much hassle, otherwise you spend ages trying to align sheets to create zones.

Steep invisible stair ladders are best.


I've got several ideas for you RaekwoN:

-Put in machine guns, in the sand bag postions and on walls, that would force the attackers to keep their heads down.

-Try making the APC's be able to drive around the map. (Raid!)

-Put more sandbags positions in, for both sides.

-Also with the sandbags, will you be able to shoot over them, e.g at people on the ground floor(While ducking)?

The maplooks great. I'd love to test it!