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New Member
Aug 6, 2002
You might have read or seen my Ironsights FAQ around the web, it's due for an update -- an overhaul in fact...

I was wondering if anyone knows if Inf offers vection Aiming or vection draw trace/aim -- where bullets go exactly where the weapon is pointed at any particular instant even though the weapon may be moving? I'd like to include more information about Inf in the next FAQ...

Unfortunately I can't play Infiltration 2.9 long enough to even test and see but it seems it might...



I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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In other words:

No, it doesn't. But Yurch's (never-to-see-the-glorious-light-of-day) mutator, 'RealAim v3' attempts this and more.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
I heard about back when he must have been working on it -- what became of that project?



Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I ran out of time and interest.
It reached a 'playable' stage near the end of my summer break. Classes are no longer going well for me, and I don't have the option of devoting the amount of time to the thing I feel would be nessesary to keep up with the community. I have a bad habit of biting off far more than I can chew. (see the BS4 hitbox project) Getting a custom playerpawn into inf is an ordeal in itself, and I'd be spending as much time working out those bugs as I would be actually making progress with the mutator. Also, given the small size of inf, it's near impossible for me to generate a decent playerbase.
It's still a theoretical interest of mine to see how people respond to it. RAv3 still is the purest form of 'vectorized' weapon movement I know about in a game, albiet it's basically a messy hack to get there. (UT isn't exactly conductive to this sort of thing!) I find far too many realism games hide behind the hide-and-seek aspect and neglect the dynamics of combat.
I've got my eyes on HL2 for my winter break 'brainstorms' at the moment.

I digress. Base Inf has a calculated random spread introduced based on movement and possibly camera position, which is instantly identified by the laser behavior offline with the SIG or Mk23. There is no such random spread for standing still, with the exception of exceedingly minor 'MOA' style inaccuracies. Waver or other such difficulties described in the above FAQ are relegated in Inf to camera inconsistancies, IE 'breathing bob'.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
That's really cool yurch, I certainly know the story first hand of over commitment and getting in over my head... In this case it's even more ambitious then you give yourself credit for -- as two commercial developers have attempted it and bailed...

I'd be very excited to play test anything you might do along these lines if you should ever revisit the idea regardless of engine or how polished...

Do the Inf Developers still read the Inf forums? Were they interested in your project, possibly integrating or finishing it, and/or do they have any future plans for Inf beyond 2.9?



Jan 11, 2001
hoak said:
Do the Inf Developers still read the Inf forums? Were they interested in your project, possibly integrating or finishing it, and/or do they have any future plans for Inf beyond 2.9?

Take the metaphysical and religious matters to OT please. Everyone wishes to have these answers. But obviously we can't discuss any of the aforesaid subjects without refering to concepts like 'God' or 'Soon'™.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
What's RAV3? Where do I get it? Does it fix this problem as well?

And what is so provocative about asking if there are plans for Infiltration beyond 2.9? I can't find any information about it anywhere... Is 2.9 the end of the line?



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May 13, 2002
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The Team has clearly stated that NO announcement will be made about anything concerning the next version until they are ready which is probably awhile. There will be a next version but don't waste your time asking for info on it since you will not get it.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
Hey Thanks! I didn't care so much about what, where, when or how many - I was only asking "if"...

I got pretty bummed out when I learned the most ambitions UT Mod, and the only reason I even bought the game was going to lock view vection making it completely unplayable for me... So needless to say I got rather despondent and stopped following the forums.

Fingers crossed that someday this will get looked at by one of the Developers or a Mutator Developer -- and I'll be able to play Inf again...



Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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hoak said:
What's RAV3? Where do I get it? Does it fix this problem as well?
It did in fact cut the viewbob in half. Don't know if that's enough for you, but anything less looks wierd to me. Of course, I used to play the Descent series, so simulator sickness isn't exactly a problem for me. :p
Don't think it's worth installing Inf for, though, just to play a buggy mutator by yourself.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
RAV3 reduces view bob?!? Where Can I get It?!!? Hey, I played and loved Descent, it never bothered me -- my Dad was a Navy Test Pilot, and I have been on "airplane rides" that would make virtually anyone toss that wasn't used to it...

Sim Sickness is odd, everyone seems to have an a the eye brain equivalent of middle ear motion sickness, where a particular 'moment' of affected movement will make them sick...

So just like experienced Sailors that find the 'wrong seas' that make some of the most steady weak with nausea, I'm sure everyone here could be piqued by specific view vection parameters and find their favorite game unplayable...

But back to RAV3!? Any reduction would be a god send, I can play AA just fine... Well sometimes running downhill...



New Member
Aug 1, 2003
I live here, Really.

Plying your trade as always I see.

As to RAV3, I stand among the people who would love to see it finished. In previous versions of Infiltration Real Aim was basically the modification that had me coming back to infiltration. In the end it turned out the only reason why Unreal Tournament remained on my Hard drive.

As I find the current version of Infiltration is in my experience rather playable. (as far as any unreal tournament game can be) The notion of something that improves the game beyond the current 'stage' is not only exciting. The notion brings the shivers!

Though I'll easily admit that I'm a casual Infiltration at best.
Last edited:


Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
hoak said:
RAV3 reduces view bob?!? Where Can I get It?!!?

The latest version of RAV3 i saw downloadable on the forum was there

I don't know if there are more advanced versions somewhere else.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
Thank you FieldMedic -- this might be all I need! Have to reinstall UT/Inf just to try it though, and that's quite a process...

On the subject of enhancing Inf/UT has anyone tried Chris Dohnal's Enhanced OpenGL Renderer For Unreal Tournament? I did and got excellent results with the exception of a few texture abutment errors, but that was likely due to my dorking around with all the additional settings this new backplane offers...



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May 13, 2002
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Hoak Chris' renderer is the recommended one for Inf and is mentioned and discussed in detail in a few threads including the main troubleshooting sticky.