Inf 2.5: List of Changes

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Just scanned the list of changes in the inf web page. Here I read

- Disabled ability for player to join mid-round to stop cheating

That's great, thx.

But what about "enabling the ability to join the intermission round after one has been killed"? Will this be fixed as well?


[This message has been edited by Six (edited 09-15-1999).]


well! I didn't completely understand what you were asking... Do you mean there is a problem with people joing then, as in they do but shouldn't be able to? Or are you refering to getting telefragged and having to wait the round out to join again? If you are refering to telefragging, I think Catalyst has that problem fixed in 2.5. It seems to be that way, at least!


I describe what I meant with the following scenario-based approach (nice requirements negotiation technique :):

- you play Inf Standoff
- you get killed
- you fly around and watch your friends shooting at each other
- the round is over
- the intermission period starts
- you want to collect weapons for the next round, so you click and click to respawn, but nothing happens
- you see the survivors and people who where killed just before the round was over collecting weapons like crazy
- the next round starts
- finally you get respawned carrying just a silly pistol
- some enemy which was able to collect almost every weapon and ammunition lying around during intermission sees you and blasts you away while you were able to send him one little pistol shot
- you're frustrated and think: "that's not fair; new round new chances for everyone"

I consider this scenario to describe an unwanted situation for the Standoff play which was not mentioned in the 2.5 changes list. Why is not everyone respawning for the intermission? Do you get punished for being killed early?

Thanks for any help.

[This message has been edited by Six (edited 09-16-1999).]




Sorry, but I do not think that this error is fixed in 2.6!

When you fly around or observe others after you get killed, you still respawn much later for the next round as when you just keep staring on the scoreboard.

I found this hint (do not click the scoreboard away after you got killed) in this forum after I posted the other messages. So, not flying around works, but is quite boring, though.



It's not really a big deal, the few seconds between the time that the first people begin spawning and the time the last people respawn is too small to consider worrying about, especially in the larger maps.


your not getting capped cause some guy decided to have an m16 and an mp5 that hurts
especailly sense he stood around and died w/ u.

ya know.

i don't care though i figure that if you fly around your usually also team talking and telling the alive guys where the enemy is.

You Cheat You Start Late!!!!!
heck ya!!


Sorry, but I do not agree with J.Slick. Spectating does not mean that you necessarily cheat. You can just enjoy the other's game and learn form them.

IMHO, I think it is not fair that the survivors, which already have all the weapons of the last round, get the additional opportunity to collect first before all the other players.

Looking at the code for the gameinfo I saw that Catalyst now ends the intermission period just after he respawned every spectating actor (in the RespawnPlayer state). I personally liked the 5 to 1 counter of 2.1 better. What about going to the RespawnPlayer state in StartRound before calling StartIntermission() with a countdown?

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by Six (edited 09-20-1999).]