It never was a vote about the Euro!!!
It was all about supremisy, and moving internal disesions about ouer own country, and let polititians from other country´s diside for us.
In this intire campaign people have been smelling a rat, and theres a general fealing that we have stoped some evil plot, divised by ouer own governtment.
U can look at thease votes as a try to overthrow the governtment.
The danich people have no constatution to protect them, and this is ouer only tool.
So we did not vote against the Euro.
We voted against ouer governtment to tell them that we dont take no shit, we voted to protect whatever small rights we have, we voted in spite.
Most people dont realy care if they have a Krown or a Euro in they´r wallet.
A group of "wise men" had promised that a full report of what consiqenses both a yes and a no would have on Denmark, would be ready by January.
Well knowing this, ouer governtment disided that the vote should be now.
This and many other faul smelling facters that cry´s out "hiden agenda, conspiracy and other generaly bad stuff" made us think twise.
Most danes would rather trust Stalin, melosowich and even Hitler, than trust Poul Nyrup Rasmusen (ouer prime minister-president-dictator).
And hell.....maybe we´ll vote yes next time around.