I'm Back!

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Hey! Just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know I'm back and I'm a family.. jeeezus- that's what I get after a few drinks.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif j/k I had an extremely excellent time, but am ready to put my feet up and dig into some Infiltration goodness!! Thank you all for keeping the maps away from my mailbox whilst I was away. I'm ready however to partake in some mapping goodness! Send any and everything you've got! I'm also busy sorting through my email, so I'll do my best to get back with everyone and I DID notice requests like a rangefinder and an option for FF. I'll do some research and maybe we'll get a new poll up as well. In the mean time, I'm ready to play!


Heya Waren,
Welcome back...glad you ad a good time /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
One request, please start working on Inf for UT. As it stands now, I believe seperate gametype's can't be made with the demo, but hopefully you can get some sort of a head start! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I haven't touched Unreal in weeks, and the UT Demo is all I'm playing. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Take care,

 Chris "Stallion" Lambert
Mod Central Unreal Webmaster
  Co-Admin At Nali City


Hehe- thx /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif We'll be doing some preliminary work for version 3 - I can work on the models and skins as well as refine and add some more details for our game. I spent the night downloading the new UT demo (damn modem technology /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) so I'll be checking that out to see what else we can or can't do. With all the new detail in version 3, it will be some time before we can get it into a working game. We'll try and port version 2.6 for UT when the retail comes out, assuming that's still not too far away. (I've been gone so I don't know the details) Also, Catalyst's work schedule (real life thing) will be increasing and he still has school- I'll be outprocessing the military and starting real life here in the next month as well as trying to sell my house, so things might be slow at first. Rest assured though, we have every intention of finishing this project!


You made it in one piece. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

UnEd works fine on the UT engine, the only trouble I have noticed is that the game won't load custom maps. Will an advanced version of domination be possible?