In INF, each pellet is given a random angle off the center of the general direction based on a spread value. Now while velocity and acceleration are changing during flight, the same damage is administered unless you're hit in the head or the pellet ricocheted beforehand. This goes with the rest of the ballistics.
5eleven said:Yurch, how do Inf ballistics account for shot spread? The only reason I ask is that I've always seemed to notice an incredible accuracy at distance with the Benelli that is not necessarily commensurate with real life shooting. In addition, although i agree that shotgun pellets create an immense amount of tissue damage, it should vary greatly at distance - given an immense reduction in velocity and taking into account shot spread. A shotgun blast to say - a bicep within a distance of 6 feet is going to leave a lot of tissue damage, may or may not bleed immensely, and will probably not be immediately fatal, while 2 pellets in your face at say 100 yards probably will not penetrate enough to cause instantaneous death.