If anyone doesn't know who the Thundercats are, you don't know what you missed out! Check out these links for pictures of the characters, and the vehicles:
Mumm'ra's Pyramid: http://www.angelfire.com/tv/thunderatiger/Pyramid.jpg
Cats Lair: http://www.abc-kid.com/thundercats/index3.htm
Thundercat's vehicles: http://www.geocities.com/lady1venus4/catslair/goodvehicles.html
The Mutant's & Castle Plundar: http://looneytunys.com/badguys.html
The Mutant's vehicles: http://www.geocities.com/lady1venus4/thundercatsmutantsvehicles.html
just a few of the places and scenary to think about: http://www.cheezey.com/thundercats/gallery/locationgal.html
there's even a map of Thundera you could use! http://www.cheezey.com/thundercats/comics/map3e.html
Just imagine what it could be like:
You start off in Cats Lair, you either grab the Thundertank, or perhaps even one of the Thunderkitten's hoverboards, and travel off to all these different places and connect+destroy power nodes in different areas! This would be especially fun in Onslaught mode!
Mumm'ra's Pyramid: http://www.angelfire.com/tv/thunderatiger/Pyramid.jpg
Cats Lair: http://www.abc-kid.com/thundercats/index3.htm
Thundercat's vehicles: http://www.geocities.com/lady1venus4/catslair/goodvehicles.html
The Mutant's & Castle Plundar: http://looneytunys.com/badguys.html
The Mutant's vehicles: http://www.geocities.com/lady1venus4/thundercatsmutantsvehicles.html
just a few of the places and scenary to think about: http://www.cheezey.com/thundercats/gallery/locationgal.html
there's even a map of Thundera you could use! http://www.cheezey.com/thundercats/comics/map3e.html
Just imagine what it could be like:
You start off in Cats Lair, you either grab the Thundertank, or perhaps even one of the Thunderkitten's hoverboards, and travel off to all these different places and connect+destroy power nodes in different areas! This would be especially fun in Onslaught mode!
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