I want to joins ur caln

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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by Gabriella
Reading DuX is giving me a headache, i don't think i'm going to read any more threads witht his weird DuX language...

so sorri ms gabriella PooF jakkass. we tri tu xsplain thins fur slo dudez lik yu. [DuX] ...... caln ....... is ........ invislib0rz ........ anz ......... we ......... putt ...... ar ....... airboinkstin ......... thingz ....... in ...... yur ......... bum!!! i sed it slo ko? air...boink...stin....thingz


The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
Originally posted by [DuX]TooShort
so sorri ms gabriella PooF jakkass. we tri tu xsplain thins fur slo dudez lik yu.

If you can't read it, that says:

So sorry Ms. Gabriella, PuF Jackass. We try to explain things for slow dudes like you.

Now, I don't think this is a issue of speed, but rather an issue of dyslexia, which these three DuX guys seem to have...CHRONICALLY. :)

Hmm. Maybe it's supposed to be [DyX], which looks a little like a shorthand way of saying dyslexia. Plus, they could have the ultra-cool designation of having their tag sound like what they are. ;)


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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They already do have their tag sound exactly like what they are. Am I the only one who appreciates the brilliance of the most formidable clan in UT?

They are [DuX] because they keep it on the down low! This makes them infissabulz and immune to any aimbots. The [DuX] are the heros of the honest player because the poopypants cheaters are powerless against the [DuX] because they can't see them!

If there are [DuX] on a server, you better hope they are on your team. ;)

No Soup For You

I got your PM right HERE!
DuX Roxorz!

DuX makes my day!

4 iff u r seeign any of das mowlerts wit less than or mor than just only tow feet, you r halfink too giff thosunz extra specail helpigns off bred DO IT?!?!?!?

I figured it out - they even take care of disabled Mallards (they do need to work on their attitude toward geese, though) :)

But now I'm wondering what's going on with the [DuX]Down guy - is he going to complete his mission ?


Talvin Singh fanboy
Aug 31, 2000
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Originally posted by Boom
If there are [DuX] on a server, you better hope they are on your team. ;)

Well, the catch is that you'll never know! coz they're inffisiables!! They keep it so down low, that they don't even show up on the player list... if you ever see a [DuX] player, you can be sure he's an imposter, or a hopeless fryout, like that moron [DuX]BoogeyDown who completely failed...


Jan 9, 2001
Fasing werls
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numper one) get a paslict bag an keep wit putign ur craps off bred init...
an also do this on each off efery day untill das bag is the fullest off stuf.
ten ur reddy fro nubber tow
I haf aways giffun dux oney fesh bred not craps and not too gossez or swanz
jus teh greene mowlerd and awlys mek shure dey are halfink all de bred
ans am soree fur usink [DuX] on my nick but wass wantsing to bee infisables on forumz too.
I jus wans to bee palying fasing werls an usin airboinkstin up da bummz of armbootoozin cheetorlammas
an keppin it on the down low, so wats si phases too?
an tanksyoo agane for gifing me diss shance to joyn caln [DuX].
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