I wanna see some funny quotes post then here!

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I'm what happens when a can of Spam and a m0 mate.
Feb 2, 2000
Visit site
post your funny quotes here (except rooster stupid adult humour that no ones gets lol) teehee!!!!

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia."
- Charles Schultz


Make love, not war. Hell, do both - get married!

If pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress? Congress!

Beauty is only a light switch away.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR> Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I recently repainted my raping haven. And of course to repaint I must take all the damn blinds off the windows. Now my damn biatch hasn't put the blinds back up and i'm to busy he-whorin the streets of Moscow with my Jewish homies. So evertime I play some hardcore UT and CS gamin' the glare from the window behind me reflects onto the damn screen. I can't see for buddha sake!! Well at least until 5:00(But then i'm he-whorin)
It's a vicious cycle...
Moscow is the devil!!!


The Mighty Raper of Rectums!!!!
A.K.A. The Sniper~GURU~ or
Stiffler's *DAD*(DILF)
This is always a bad scenario: sneezing when pissing.DAMN!! You don't want to cover your cock or you'll piss on your hand. And if you cover your mouth, your penis is free to fly east or west, towards someone else. And your eyes close for a slight second every damn time you sneeze making you unable to know where you're pissin'. With some urinals it's alright but with regular home toilets I always piss on the friggin' rim!(bad a$$ aim)I always gotta clean that shiz up to. If you don't it starts to smell like really sour orange juice.
note: Also, don't piss with an ice cream cone in your hand.

This post will forever be a classic!


The Mighty Raper of Rectums!!!!
A.K.A. The Sniper~GURU~ A.K.A.Stiffler's *DAD*(DILF)