create a brush how you want the mover to be click on the texture you want the mover to have and put the brush where you want your mover to be
click on the ''add mover'' button (below ''de-intersect'' and next to ''add special brush'')
the brush should now turn purple, move the red brush away so you can see only the new purple brush.....
right click the mover brush (purple one) and open out the ''movers'' list - its first position should be ''key 1'' so click this then move it to where you want it to move to in the level/game, and do the same option but click ''key 0 (base)'' this time the mover should automatically move back to where it was when you clicked on ''key 1''...
build all and test your level........
if your mover is not the texture you wanted you can easily change the texture by right clicking the mover brush going into the mover list and clicking on ''show polys'' this should cause the mover to show its texture and enable you to change it if you wish....
if you wish to alter your movers move times - click on the mover then press F4 to bring up its properties, open the mover list and you should see near the bottom ''movetime'' and ''stayopentime'' ....
movetime = how long it takes to reach its open position, stay open time = how long it stays in its open position for....
you can also go to ''moversounds'' list and choose some sounds for it from the soundbroswer.....
there r two ways to create movers and this is the easiest, believe me its much much easier than it seems, just thought id write an in-depth mover tutorial for you
hope it helps
- Silva
mess around with different mover shapes in 2d shape editor, makes it much more effective and fun