I have idears but need help

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New Member
Jan 22, 2002
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Now i have some idears but i no nothing about moding or enything else to do with editing UT these will need textering mapsers coders load of stuff!

If you could give me an e-mail talk to me on icq or better yet help me make these i would be very greatfull.

Well here is just some of my idears feel free to tell me what you think.

Hunt The Rabbit!

Now we all know hunter mods sooooo..... boreing sooooo... lame.... :eek: some MAY be alright but lacking in enything realy origanal but have you ever played a game called Turok2??

In this there is a multiplayer game called frag the monkey where the persion who is it is a Monkey. What the monkey has to do is find a special pad before he gets fraged! Should he succeed in his journey he turns back into a player and the other's get a random pick as of who is next. The winner is the persion who fraged the monkey the most.

Now putting this into UT would be farliy simple you could edit domination maps so that insted of domination points you can place trasformer pad's and instead of a Monkey the player who is it could be a nali rabbit who could hop around for his life:p

Next we have one called Robotics UT witch whould need modlers this concept is simply a weapon mutator that replaces the Redeemer insted of the big bomb:redeemer: you get a robot wich you activate with the activate key once done this robot one of three would be under your control in the robot menu with commades such as protect me, egange the enemy , gaurd this position, and Kamikazi each of the three have there own abilitys the sentry bot is a big tuff bloke that looks something like a mech with 450 hit point's but is somewhat slow with two cannons for arms and shoots out special plasma balsts (custom effects)

The next is hover drone who is the weakest of the three with 250 hit points but can aviod must slow moveing projectils he looks basicly like a flying pod flying around the place and third panther bot this robot looks like a panther and is the fastest robot with 350 hit points and has two miniguns on his back and is medium dammage.

Well thats it if eny one can help or make these idears on thire own i would be very happy let me know what you think :D


Crazy coder
Sep 21, 2001
I like them, I just don't have time to code them. Moreover, Robotics UT would require quite a bit of modeling, and other mods are already using/going to use robots. The hunting mod shouldn't take too much, but still...


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
no, please.... not another hunter mod....

there's already like 10 of them, I think, on Modsquad.

The robot one sounds pretty good though. You could try Neo Cairo and see if that's the kind of thing you're looking for but Neo Cairo 5 will be upwards of 100 megs.


New Member
Jan 22, 2002
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Well this is a differnt hunting mod very,very fun trust me:D

As for Robotics UT it shouldent be all that hard its just the modleing and its much differnt from Neo Cario Beta 5 as thes little droids watch you back in normal death match.

But i have more much more another one i like is Creacher UT
this may take some modleing too but would be much fun ever play AVP?? Where you can be the alien its like that cept you cant climb on wall's.

A game starts and the persion to draw firstblood becomes the Creacher then he/she morphs into a Raptor or everyones fave Xenomorph... :p then the player cannot use weapon's or pick up heath instead they are the weapon and have three times normal health they use meelie attacks and can crouch jump very high like in Matrix Moves but also gain health from attacking/eating the Gibs and bodys.

What do you think??? :rolleyes:


New Member
Jan 22, 2002
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Well this is a differnt hunting mod very,very fun trust me:D

As for Robotics UT it shouldent be all that hard its just the modleing and its much differnt from Neo Cario Beta 5 as thes little droids watch you back in normal death match.

But i have more much more another one i like is Creacher UT
this may take some modleing too but would be much fun ever play AVP?? Where you can be the alien its like that cept you cant climb on wall's.

A game starts and the persion to draw firstblood becomes the Creacher then he/she morphs into a Raptor or everyones fave Xenomorph... :p then the player cannot use weapon's or pick up heath instead they are the weapon and have three times normal health they use meelie attacks and can crouch jump very high like in Matrix Moves but also gain health from attacking/eating the Gibs and bodys the player to kill the Creacher will become it next.

What do you think??? :rolleyes: