Hyperforce asks entry

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New Member
Apr 26, 2005
I'd like to ask If I could join the team some time soon.
I'm a quite expirienced modeler on polygon modeling and I've created myself several vehicles, (the first 2 where crap, the 3de was quite good (don't know if the Helix ESV (2 beta) rings any bells) anyway, I'm currently working on a vehicle I call the ASMDTANK. (the picture is a bit old as I allready placed it halfway into ut2004 but it shows what its like.

I'm capeble of doing basic code manipulation as you can see, several part of the helix's code where made with fragments of code from other vehicles as well as custom ones (And yes I did ask permition to do this)

I've heared from shrooms that you guys needed a vehicle disigner.
sorry bout shrooms, I don't get it though (but enough about that).

I Love making stuff like vehicles and If I'm dedicated to something I have it done quite fast (modeled/textured/rigged that tank in ... 2 maybe 3 weeks.

As I sayed I'd like to join your mod team, I saw your mod and I think it rocks, on closer look the textures look like unreal engine 2. and I like the theme, semi sci-fi.

here are some pictures of my last 2 vehicles ^_^
sorry if the pictures are to large.

Thanx for hosting them Thejackal , my site doesn't allow me to link pictures to other sites.


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DA Team
Oct 6, 2004
bikini bottom tbh!
The vehicles looking nice, unfortunalty, vehicles cant be done within beta1. But we definalty want vehicles in DA!
I'll tell abs about you, and we will probably look into your work.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
yes, I did skin them, (I made the entire model(s) from the ground up.)
The only thing copy'd are the textures, those are build up from fragments of pictures online, weapontextures and other (ut2004)vehicletextures. :)

more info on the vehicles :

Helix ESV (Extended Support Vehicle) can open and close its rear door, has 3 weapons (1 big minigun under the nose) and 2 medium minigunseats in the sides, It has an item depo with shield, health, linkammo, linkgun and avril ammo. 4 player seated, the driver can open or close the rear (unfortially the rear door doesn't collide with other vehicles (still looking for a way to make code for a snap system so a scorpion snaps to a rear bone and sort of becomes part of the vehicle when the rear door closes) :rolleyes: ). also the landing gear detracts/extends. if the driver switches to co-pilot seat the vehicle switches to autopilot.

ASMDTANK : is being created for the sole purpose of playing part in a assault map I wan't to make, look on www.angelfire.com/ut2/0040 for a picture of the maps main base (topside drawing). But I probebly will release it as well (100% sertenty bout that) just don't know when I will release it. before or after the release of the assault map. ;)
Like the Helix the vehicle will be able to transform (in this case REALLY transform so it will be able to use its main turret. (with a very strong blast the main turret is capeble of blowing any other vehicle doing 600-750 dammage, turret rotation is slow in this mode though so its more for sniping purpose. the tank is capable of moving but when deployed it moves slower.
Undeployed the vehicle has a fast ROF laserbeam cannon. In bolth modes the vehicle will have 2 skymine turrets for close range backup.
in undeployed mode the vehicle is about 2x - 2.5x times faster. :D
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New Member
Aug 21, 2004
Those are some pretty kool vehicles. Is there anywhere i could download them?


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
OH MY GOD, tell me this guy is on DA2, and that we are making vehicles like this now? with retractable doors and so forth.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
DA|aBsOlUt said:
Well not really rejected we just dont want vehicles in Beta 1

Making vehicles takes lots of time, And before I got some nice set of wheels done i'll be a bit later you know, even if they arn't put in beta one, it can never hurt to have some vehicles done for later. just give me the specs of the vehicles i'll make a nice concept and if you like them I'll see what I can do.
Besided If you think vehicle creation is my only strenght your mistaking big time. :rolleyes:


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
Well i just saw it today Enemy Territory Quake Wars, looks awesome. Im a bit out the loop and have been catching up with E3 news. Video looks 1337.

These types of vehicles would look great, like [d] said, bot onlys would allow us to get around not using vehicles on Beta1... they could be special craft that fly around outdoor maps shooting, or be flying.

After seeing the new cannon we got in DA2-blackgold. I can see that being veryuseful in future maps where vehicles are used to attack the base.

However I am more interested in the background of that pic.

See that structure with the cannon on top?. I want some structures like that. Maybe i should ask this in teamie area
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New Member
Apr 26, 2005
I can't really see what it looks like from affar, but because E3 allways has these video presentations... If I would be able to get one of those It would help me big time, seems you guys got texture disigners, It could also be usefull if he/her made the textures when I get a good look at the vehicles. :)

Ok, I've found a video like that, uhm its not showing the base up close but I got a good look at the vehicles ext, weapons and the L33T look. :minigun:


Just tell me what I should make and when to start

and to the
I want tanks
thingy, Yes I like the looks of that tank in the background to, it seems it has the same engines as the antigrav choppers in the movie.
alltrough it offcource doesn't fly or hover :rolleyes:
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