UE3 - General Hunted - New Indie Project looking for Programmer and 3D Modeller

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New Member
Jun 5, 2011
Hunted - New UDK Indie Project looking for Programmer and Artists

I'm an Australian Game Designer, and I'd like to talk to you about my first commercial video game project.

What is the Game?: Hunted is a an independent video game project that I've been working on conceptually since February. It is a First-Person Shooter/Adventure game developed for the PC through the use of the Unreal Development Kit. It has two components: a 2-3 hour single-player adventure and a multiplayer mode.

Single-Player: The single-player experience could be compared to Portal, both in terms of length and structure. A starship crash leaves the player alone on an uncharted and seemingly unihabited alien world. Shortly after the game begins, the player finds the ruins of an ancient temple. However, a safe refuge this is not. A Beast of shadow lurks in the darkness, guiding the player to its lair deeper inside the ruins. The player will have to survive every trial that the Beast provides if they wish to escape the temple. In the Single-Player mode, there is a greater focus on action-adventure elements than gunplay. Navigating the temple, running from the Beast, puzzle-solving, as well as some platforming segments. There will still be gunplay in the single-player adventure, however it's not central to the experience.

What makes Hunted unique?: The Beast is the single most important feature in Hunted, both in Single and Multiplayer. The Beast is an AI opponent and the central antagonist of the game. It is a creature of pure darkness, and as such it's movement is restricted to the shadows. It has seven different forms, or rather behaviours - each based on one of the Seven Deadly Sins - and each of these change the dynamic of the gameplay. For example, in the form of Gluttony, the Beast becomes a ravenous monster, chasing the player by leaping between shadows, and trying to engulf them - it's a literal race for survival. Alternatively, in the form of Greed, the Beast will create illusions of treasures or platforms, trying to tempt the player to step into the shadows or trick them into walking off a cliff. In Single-player, these behaviours will be scripted, controlled, and implemented one by one. Where things get really interesting is the multiplayer component.

Multiplayer: The Multiplayer allows for up to 16 players and has three modes - Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and a new mode called 'Who Turned Out the Lights?'. The Beast is present in all three of these modes, and adds a new element to the multiplayer experience. Not only are players trying to complete objectives or get the highest kill count - they are also trying to survive. In Multiplayer, the Beast becomes a roaming AI, moving through the shadows and switching randomly between it's seven behaviours - essentially, it hunts the players. This AI is my attempt to provide a breath of fresh-air to the sometimes stale FPS genre, and also to differentiate Hunted from other games on the market. The plan is to have seven multiplayer maps – each holding stylistic similarities to the areas from the single-player adventure, but being specifically designed for a multiplayer death-match format. The game will include fourteen maps in all – seven levels for the single-player adventure, and seven multiplayer maps.

Project Status: Over the past week, I've begun development on the game. So far, I have a 3000 word WIP Game Design Document, a prototype multiplayer level, and a simple cut-out of the opening/tutorial level in UDK. Currently, I'm working at least seven hours a day.

I put together a show-reel of what I've made in UDK over the first week. Keep in mind, everything is very early and basic, and that default UDK assets are simply placeholders. It can be found at: http://youtu.be/tplADYuL388

Here's a video of the completed prototype of my introductory/tutorial level: http://youtu.be/9pbu6YgNH2k

What I need: I'm looking for a programmer proficient in using the Unreal Development Kit to handle the technical challenges - most importantly, the Beast AI. Additionally, I am looking for a 3D Modeller who can model characters and weapons. Finally, I am looking for a 2D texture artist. But particularly, I'm looking for dedicated people that will put time and effort into the project. Communications will be handled via emails and Skype.

Update - a 3D Modeller has joined the team and is working on the architecture and environmental assets for the game.

Why work on Hunted?: There are a few reasons, in my opinion. Firstly, it's content for your portfolio. Beefing up your job portfolio can only be a good thing. Secondly, as long it is completed, Hunted will be a commercial product, and royalties will be divided up between the developers depending on how much work each team-member has done. Thirdly, you will gain experience in working on a video game project and, more importantly, working as part of a team with deadlines. Fourthly, I am dedicated to this project and will work as hard as I possibly can to ensure that nothing created for Hunted goes to waste. Rest assured that your work will not be in vain. And finally, I think that Hunted has the potential be a very unique and enjoyable project that team-members will be proud to have worked on.

If you are interested in joining the project then please send me a PM. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to look at Hunted.
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