Huge problem, really really huge.

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The Flying Dutchman
Dec 24, 1999
Utreg, Holland

This is what UT looks like when I play it. I got a key bound to "flush" to make ik go away every 10 seconds, but it keeps on returning.
When I change the display settings, no matter which one, it's gone for a short while and everything looks normal, but after a short while it's back.
Taking a screenshot is enough to make it leave too. But I can't get rid of it permanently.

I got a Helios Voodoo2, and the game runs in glide mode. My system contains an old 2MB s3Virge, lots of diskspace, 64MB Edo ram, and win98Se second edition.

I have DirectX7, from, and the directX7betaVoodoo2 drivers from 3dfxgamers.
I've tried a lot, but nothing works so far.
not even formatting the haard drive.

A second problem is that more games start to show this crap. I had it with 3Dmark2000, but that's gone now with the new drivers, but Need for Speed High Stakes is doing this too now.

Please help me.

A frustrated Gamer.


New Member
Nov 11, 1999
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This sort of problem can be caused by a video card overheating, it might be that the airflow to your voodoo card has become restricted or something. Try running it with the case covers off if possible or get some sort of external fan and aim it at the voodoo. If your problem goes then that's your cause. I know this is only a shot in the dark, but it might help.


The Flying Dutchman
Dec 24, 1999
Utreg, Holland
Nope, that's not it. This is the third time I installed the game. The first time I got it away(sort of), but I had to reinstall.
I thought of overheating too, but the problem was still there with the case off. (and window open, freezing outside. It was quite cold in my room /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif)
One time after the second install It was simply gone, and I spent the entire day playing. (case closed, heating in my room on) so it should have been quite hot in there.

I had problems with this s3Virge before, garbage in windows graphics, while playing movies and stuff. There's a loop from the s3 to the voodoo, and then from the voodoo to the monitor, could the s3 have any effect in this?

Or could there be something wrong with the memory on the voodoo(or the s3, or other hardware), cuz when I flush, in UT, it's temporarily gone, and in really crowded scenes it's back really fast?

Another question, I'm considering to dump this s3Virge, and switch to a TNT (1, not 2)
They say Voodoo's are (sort of) cpu tolerant, so it doesn't really matter what kind of cpu you have, and TNT's rely on your cpu much more. Who can I expect games to be running with a TNT1 on a p1-200@233 ?




The Flying Dutchman
Dec 24, 1999
Utreg, Holland
- some time later same day

I borowed my dad's fan, opened the case, pointed the thing on it and started up UT, guess what, it didn't work.
It a really huge airconditioner, a standing and turning one. If that doesn't work nothing will. So it's not heat.

I installed the DirectX7a upgrade, and nothing happened! Duh!

Look, I really appreciate the absense of off-topic chatter here, but some help would be cool. I'm a regular Quake2 Player, and I'm about to quit that and do UT!! But if it keeps on looking like this I won't, cuz I can't /~unreal/ubb/html/frown.gif

So for your own sake, Help me!!

So far I tried almost every possible directX6 and DirectX7 configuration possible. I took out all the hardware, dusted it and put it back in another order, formatted my pc Twice, I tried the game on almost every poosible visual setting, messed around with the advanced settings half a day, I mailed epic and the gtisup@blahblahwhatever for help, but all I get is automated "thank you for your bug" messages, NOthInG WorKs@#$%%!!!
The only thing I didn't try is win95, but I'm not gonna do that, no way. I didn't try win2000 either.

Heeeeelp me. PLEASE!!


New Member
Dec 8, 1999
Sydney, NSW, Austr.
It gotta be your 2D card. I have Creative Voodoo2 + i740 card and it works just fine.
-> Try to borrow another 2D card from someone and see what happens.
P.S.: Also try different cable to connect 2D and 3D cards - the bridge might suck too.
See ya on-line /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


New Member
Dec 23, 1999
montgomery, al usa
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OK. i just thought i'd throw in my 2 cents here. you said you went up to the DX7 beta voodoo2 drivers. Well myself and two buddies who are still hangin with V2's (diamond monster 3dII 12 meg) all went up to those beta drivers and all experienced VERY similar forms of corruption in UT as well as Homeworld, and Jane's USAF. I tried to remove the drivers and reinstall the reference drivers, but to no avail. Those @#$%#$ dx7 beta demons could not be lured out of my machine(typical). Anyway, a full reinstallation on Win98se fixed me up quick, and im back to runnin refv drivers with no probs.


The Flying Dutchman
Dec 24, 1999
Utreg, Holland
Wow, that's gonna be my third format in one week, tough luck /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

Thanks, I'll try it all. I got an e-mail too to try the s3-fix, at this very moment the 3dfxgamer site is down though, very nice error /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'UBound'

/view.asp, line 923

but I don't know whether that s3fix is meant to be used on my s3. It's about the oldest 2mb model you can get.


Dec 20, 1999
Visit site
Im also running an S3virge and a DiamondmonsterV2 on dx7a, but I have had none of these problems, although the game still runs poorly on my 350 with 64 meg, even with all the settings on low. Are you running the patched verion of UT?


The Flying Dutchman
Dec 24, 1999
Utreg, Holland
Legal UT patched to 402.
medium quality 640*480 @ 25 fps(average)

Ow and By the way, The DEMO did NOT have this. that one looked great, every version of it.

This is not correct. I installed the demo to take a look , guess what. It was messed up. I think I knwo what to do.
And voodoo2 owners, look out with those damn betaV2 drivers, better take older ones.

[This message has been edited by Claymore (edited 12-26-1999).]

[This message has been edited by Claymore (edited 12-27-1999).]