Jep, got Problems myself.
Textures I draw to the HUD don't show up in Game, don't know what I done wrong.
BTW what difference is there between DrawIcon and DrawTile?
(I used draw Icon & my texture was 32x128 pixels big)
Another Question I have:
How can I make something like a Progress Bar ... where I can show the amount of Health of the Player instead of Numbers ...
Textures I draw to the HUD don't show up in Game, don't know what I done wrong.
BTW what difference is there between DrawIcon and DrawTile?
(I used draw Icon & my texture was 32x128 pixels big)
Another Question I have:
How can I make something like a Progress Bar ... where I can show the amount of Health of the Player instead of Numbers ...
simulated function DrawHealth(canvas Canvas)
local float X, Y;
//code for drawing background Texture, which sadly doesn't apear in game
Canvas.SetPos(32*Scale, Canvas.ClipY-128*Scale);
Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent;
Canvas.DrawColor = SolidHUDColor;
Canvas.DrawIcon(Texture'progress', Scale);
//This one is just to show the Health an normaly
//I would like to draw the ProgressBar here
Canvas.StrLen(PlayerOwner.Health, X, Y);
Canvas.SetPos(4, Canvas.ClipY - 192/2*Scale);
Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal;
Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor;
Canvas.Font = MyFonts.GetMediumFont(Canvas.ClipX);
Canvas.DrawText(PlayerOwner.Health, False);