How to use the "non-documented" features

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New Member
Jan 3, 2003
The title says it all.

According to the UDN, the UnrealEngine2 Runtime it's a "Binary Version" of the UnrealEngine2 and it has all of its features.
The problem is that there are many features that I would really need to use that they are not documented (Bumpmapping, Hardware shaders, Per pixel lighting, Water/Fluid Surfaces, Real Mirrors, and so). Actually, there is documents about this on the UDN, but its only for Licensees) :(

Does some knows where can I find a basic documentation about how to use these features or if they really are available in the Runtime as Epic says.

Thanks for your answer and sorry about my crappy english
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New Member
Mar 18, 2002
What makes you think the engine has these features? The only "features" available are the ones on the UnrealEngine2Features page.

Fluid surfaces are documented on UDN, although as noted on the website, they don't function properly in the Runtime. Mirrors work and are documented on UDN; you need stencil buffering turned on, which means you can't use certain older video cards.

There is no bump-mapping, hardware shader or per-pixel lighting support in UE2.

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
The games that you probably saw that had these things and were using the Unreal engine, actually created their own renderer outputs. XIII made their own one, so it doesn't come with UE2Runtime. I believe Deus Ex 2 also made their own one...

What you get with UE2Runtime is the stock standard Unreal engine from Epic.


New Member
Jan 3, 2003
Taken directly from the UDN Unreal2 Features Page:

"Sample environmental bump-mapping support"
"Full support for hardware texturing and lighting"... on modern video cards (ATI® RADEON™- and NVIDIA® GeForce™-class) for the highest possible polygon throughput. In current products:
"Fluid surfaces allow for dynamic water simulation, supporting ambient ripples, targeted oscillations (for player or other disturbances), clamping for realistic wave boundaries, surface vertex alpha blending for texture effects and more, all independent of water physics."


New Member
Jan 3, 2003
Taken directly from the UDN Unreal2 Features Page:

"Sample environmental bump-mapping support"
"Full support for hardware texturing and lighting"...
"Fluid surfaces allow for dynamic water simulation, supporting ambient ripples, targeted oscillations (for player or other disturbances), clamping for realistic wave boundaries, surface vertex alpha blending for texture effects and more, all independent of water physics."
"Hardware Shaders"

All the stuff I would like to use and I don't know how :p

By the way, can you give me a direct link to the real mirrors tutorials/guide on UDN please. Thx :)


New Member
Mar 18, 2002
Both environmental bump-mapping support and hardware shaders are listed under "examples of licensee-provided enhancements." As in, a licensee provided their implementation on the website, for other licensees. They are not in the engine.

Hardware texturing and lighting does not mean pixel and vertex shaders. It means hardware T&L. This was the big feature when GeForces and Radeons first came out, and the second-generation Unreal engine takes full advantage of it. It's not something you can "use" per se, it's just how the engine is designed (e.g. not for span buffer software renderers).

Fluid surfaces are the puddles you run through in UT2003 that ripple. They are documented here:

Mirrors are documented here:

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Yes, Vito is correct. Pixel shaders are more complex and were introduced during Direct X 8 I believe. They seem to be common talk now a days since Direct X 9 cards are so dang cheap now a days.

If you want more details on vertex & pixel shading, look it up on good ol' google.


New Member
Jan 3, 2003
Vito said:
Both environmental bump-mapping support and hardware shaders are listed under "examples of licensee-provided enhancements." As in, a licensee provided their implementation on the website, for other licensees. They are not in the engine.

What can I say?.... DAMN IT! :p

Vito said:
Hardware texturing and lighting does not mean pixel and vertex shaders. It means hardware T&L. This was the big feature when GeForces and Radeons first came out, and the second-generation Unreal engine takes full advantage of it. It's not something you can "use" per se, it's just how the engine is designed (e.g. not for span buffer software renderers).

Yes, yes, I know, the thing is that I've copy the wrong feature. What I was trying to copy was the "Sample hardware vertex and pixel shader support.." text and i mest up :) sorry.

Vito said:
Fluid surfaces are the puddles you run through in UT2003 that ripple. They are documented here:

Mirrors are documented here:

Thank you, really.
That ends with all of my questions :)