UE3 - GoW How to import static meshes from UE3 into GOW and other way around?

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New Member
Mar 18, 2009

First of all if there was a topic like that please just provide the link and close this one. yes i did try searching the threads on this forum, i also tried google and found nothing :)

Second I am an absolute noob in unreal and just starting my adventure with it so please be patient for my infinite noob-eness :)

So anyhow, I'm building a map in GOW and i was just recently looking through the art assets in UE3 (that i've got from installing the UT3) and found few cool static meshes over there that I would like to import to my gears of war editor. The problem is that when im trying to do that there is an error message poping up something about material references.

Can anybody help me please? or does anybody has the knowledge where the tutorial that could help me can be found?

Thanks in advance



Mar 25, 2008
You'll need a program like 3dRipperDX to rip them from one game's editor and 3ds Max to open the ripped file. Then you'd export it from 3ds Max as if it was your own custom art asset.

Strictly speaking this is illegal, but Epic haven't stepped in against any of the people using Gears content in UT3.