How to create a remote detonation system as a gunner

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New Member
Dec 8, 2003
This system allows you to remotely detonate both laser and standard mines easily, instantly, and safely with practice.

Step one, place mine near intended target/area (landmines work best; they are easier to place and do more damage when detonated):


Step two, begin a napalm spray trail NEAR the target mine (not right on top of it, if you do that it will explode instantly, doing huge damage to you):


This can take practice to get just right.

Step three, when your target is in position, give your napalm line a quick spray with the primary fire:


The napalm trail ignites instantly, as does the mine.

Step four, Laugh with glee:


Drawbacks? A few:

Teammates who walk across/fire upon your spray line will detonate your charge.

Your detonation line will burn out, meaning you will have to replace it.

It takes practice to be able to place the spray close enough to the mine so that it will ignite when you want it to, but won't blow up in your face.
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Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
That´s nice trick, but not as lethal as my method. My special Mine Camping mark II works best in indoors (especially Sunsetbeach cave´s ramp where ppl jump up to your base) Sometimes I´ve been able to hold the whole corridor against overwhelming number of enemies. I just placed mines at the back wall and to most likely landing spot where enemies jump. If they don´t blow up directly to the mines, your rocket will ignite the mines surrounding the hole---> not much chances for survival. Of course enermous pressure goes through when you don´t have time to replace all destroyed mines, but this is the best tac by far I´ve invented for this purpose. This added to few rocket turrets there equals really strong defence with small number of defenders. Sometimes people spam just turrets there, but it´s not working that well.

Mines are nice toys but unfortunately it´s not the enemy but your own team that walks to your little something more often. Friendly mines should be shown on map.


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
Ive been doing that for ages, but usually save it for the end game. Plant a mine, spray 2ndary around the node. Cap it. Then fireworks go off as its circling around the node.

Another thing that is good is to tripmine the doors on a level like the beach. If you duck and plant the mine at the door, the other end goes to the stairs to the node. They open the door it sets it off, BOOM.

Another hot spot on garden is the entrance from the top teleporter that leads down to the node. Most people just run down to the node area. If you slap down a mine at the lil stairs from that room to the area circling the node, they cant see it and step on it. Works great.

So many mine tactics its not even funny. I defended a whole base on Asunder with mines one scrimmage.

As Opt wrote, once you know the general routine of an enemies path, its easy to mine it so they die


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this

Most smart people will see a mine next to the car and shoot the mine and not even use the car.

A better strategy that I have seen and used is to damage the car a little so there is no visible signs of it being hit. Then plant 1-2 tripmines UNDER the car near the tires. Why tires? Cant see them as much as if you would put them in the middle under where its clearly visible. Once they hop in and move the car, BOOM BOOM BOOM.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Yep, mines are fun for blowing up your own team. I learned from Mantik long ago that if my teammates can't bother to pay attention to my message spamming, screw 'em if they step on my mine. It's especially nasty when an arti carrier blows up 2 steps from capping. Frag teammate x bonus for fragging carrier x bonus for defending node=major negative points for me.

I can't really see how the napalm method is any more "instant" than using a rocket. It might be .5 seconds quicker, but nothing really noticeable. You also have the disadvantage of you napalm flaming up and setting off the mine after a short time, and the chance your enemy might notice the napalm trail on the ground (especially if it looks like a hedgerow, as in your second pic). It is purtier than a rocket, though.


Mar 18, 2004
i think my younger brother, Phobos, was the first to do the napalm trail bombs. he did it back in feb. or march.