I am sorry to hear that I am very late with my request
Ok, it is equal to me if there could be a solution to version 1 or 2.
I additionally did not know about the version 2.
Perhaps you tell me the new location of developing?
Perhaps I will write a overview first:
We at
www.x-simulator.de have developed many different cheap or not cheap HW drive simulators and we are therefore searching for games which have a software interface to connect them. I am the developer of the control software and therefore the plugin writer. A community member of unwheel and InMotion have made a telemetry export for unwheel to control the simulator.
We at X-Sim would like to know about that and implement the export to the universal plugin interface that is a open interface system for all simulator fans. Please note many programmers are also requestiong the informations for their own simulator software.
The community is getting bigger and bigger the last two years since RaceRay is managing the forum servers.
It would be nice if we can come together and get the informations to drive a unwheel car with our simulators. Therefore we need the lateral, longitudenal, vertical forces and the roll, pitch and yaw values or the corresponding car position and directions to calculate them. The interresst for that plugin are very high!
Best regard,