How do i make my own models and skins

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Is there a demo version of 3Dsm or something? Or another product like it that doesn't cost anything? Can I make skins from scratch with SkinEd (the Unreal skining program)? Or must I purchase the damn thing for like $800?
Thanks in advance for any replies /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Finding a legal copy of software for modeling that's free can be fairly hard to come by. I personally don't know of any, but if you find something, you must ensure it's able to export your model to a .3DS (3D Studio) format so you can import them into Unreal. This narrows the modeling software down quite a bit. As far as skinning goes, you can export a .PCX of any Unreal skins and sketch over 'em. I use either Painter3D, Photoshop5, or Paint Shop Pro- or a combination of them all.


For the skinning apps, (paintshop pro etc...) is there any demos or free versions? 'I'm a cheap bastard I know' hehe.
When your a student your always poor, and it would be senseless for me to by an expensive app for just a hobbie.