If you want to make rotating image (like the golden v , or is it a u) in the city intro, you will need to make a mover, make your letter mover,or image, exactly as you want it to appear and rotate in the game, you can make it a rotating mover, or you can make it move with a trigger pound mover, make the mver that you want to rotate have the attributes of 'trigger pound' than make another mover (out of sight,preferably outside of the actualy level,)change the event properties, to the tag of the trigger pund mover, give the trigger pound mover the event of the trigger toggle mover (the out of sight one) than insert a trigger, that will trigger the mover, once only, they should than tirgger each other, in sense creating perpetual motion, I used this to make pistons move up and down, crushing people, in a regular unreal map, but it could be used to make a perpetually rotating mover, if you want to look at a sample, d/l dmpiston
from Nalicity (deathmatch unreal) and look at the tags for the movers.this could be used for lots of things, so its a good trick to learn anyway.