How do I add a player model?

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New Member
Jan 6, 2000
boring, MD, usa
Visit site
I have created, animated, imported and added my character model into a level so that I see it while I am playing my level. But how can I add it to the players you chose from in player setup so I can be my new character?

In unrealed I added it under UnrealIPlayer. Is there anything specific I need to add to its script? Do I need to change or add anything to any .ini or .int files? Where should I be looking?

Is there a tutorial or help specific to adding player characters?


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
I think you may need to place your model under the TournamentPlayer section (unless it's for Unreal and not UT).

I don't have any definite answers though for this. If you've got something like MIrc then head on down to and go into the #unrealed room. Generally around 10pm EST and later you'll find the scripting crowd.


coon dog
Dec 19, 1999
Visit site
this comes from the ut mod authoring doc on the unreal tech site. i don't know if it will help or not.
In order to make our new gametype show up in the menus, we have to give it a metaclass definition. Create a file in the System directory
called INT files primarily contain localization information for foreign versions of the game, but they also contain extra
information about the classes inside a package.

Add the following lines to your int file:


Save it and exit. When UT's menus search for games to list in the Game selection window, they search all the .int files in the System
directory for classes that have a MetaClass of Botapck.TournamentGameInfo. Now your game will show up on that list. Start Unreal
Tournament and go to Start Practice Session. Find your game on the list. If you start it, "My Game" will show up as the game's name in
the scoreboard.