How come no one pway Infiltration no more?

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I am probably better than you.
Sep 29, 2001
Sacramento, CA
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One word: Holiday season (ok, thats two words, but so what?). Once all the fuss over the peoples new presents, the INFers will come back.

/me goes back to flying vehicles into enemy's base in Tribes 2... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Well there are lots of great new games out there. I am sick of playing the same dam maps for that last year. I would rather play Ghost Recon or Wolfenstein until 2.87 comes out....if it ever comes out with the Tbuilt maps we should have some fun. But Ghost Recons engine and bot AI is a quantum leap forward in tactical games. Doesnt compare to INF in terms of "iron sights" aiming which sux. It isnt a replacement for INF but its soooo dam fun online with friends, it may be soon. Wolf is just goofy fun. INF is stagnant. Atoll, Bullcourt and Research--3 new maps in 9 months?--wipee dippee dooooo la day! I woulda bought the INF-CD but I shot my wad on Ghost Recon and it ROX!

Pooga fom Fooga

New Member
Dec 17, 2001
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:( :( :(

:( Yeah too bad Wolf and Ghost Recon aren't for mac and never will be…let's see…we got UT…uh Marathon, but it's sorta old…and uhhhhhh…yeah Falcon 4.0…uhhhhh…and a few others, but UT is the only 1st person shooter thingy that is here for Mac…yeah Wolf is for OS X buI don't have OS X and it's too buggy ta get it. Hmph. Poopies. And no, I ain't gonna get a PC; it just ain't gonna happen. Sheesh. Dis be poopy, eh? :(

Lolo Konijn

Huppel huppel
Jul 30, 2000
The Netherlands
Re: people playing inf

Originally posted by [IMK]MiCHiEL
when INF 2.87 is coming out a lot of people are going to play INF again, im sure about that!!

Well, I'm not... But I don't care if there are gonna be more players or not. Its a shame if there are people who would like to play it but never heard of INF, but I don't want the server filled with guys who play inf just because alot of people play it.


Infiltration Team
Jul 24, 1999
Boulder, CO, USA
I dunno what to say... with around 1000 INF 2.86 file downloads a DAY, someone has got to be playing SOMEWHERE.... Either that, or you guys are so bored you're downloading 2.86 over and over hoping it'll magically transpose into 2.87... :)