While I certainly like the idea of bot controlled (I have played with the following scenario - Take all of the Army skins, and make one of them you, and then take the three male warbots and make them an all bot enemy team on high accuracy/strafing/berserk attack - it should add up to 11 bots or so, I can't remember cause I'm drunk, but if you're Malcom - the one with the beret [the commander] then its all good, and a very, very hard scenario indeed) it is indeed very difficult. However, the CTs should not be responsible for the blood lust of a terrorist. If a really CT squad were to come across a group of terrorist freely executing hostages, their sole purpose would be to take those terrorists down, before they could execute any more hostages. Thus, it is my opinion that to enforce strategic gameplay, the CTs should not be responsible for hostage's lives, because, frankly, IRL, they are not. Rather, they should be there solely to neutralize the situation. Of course, the terrorists would want to keep the hostages, as they are their bargaining chips. In game, they would act as their shields. IRL, a CT is not allowed to eliminate a terrorist unless their weapon is at high ready, or they are posing a direct threat to a hostage or CT. My question at this point (as drunken as it may be) is is there any way to implement such a thing in INF? Otherwise, can we safely assume that hostages act as pawns and only pawns,in such a scenario? If a CT hears "hostage down" it is their duty to eliminate any and all terror threats to the hostages, and thus "win" the mission. I think that would be the best scenario. The hostages play the parts as "props" in the mission, and as thus do not directly effect the terrorists or counter terrorists in any way other than how they react to certain threats (do they have a shield? do they act with impunity? etc., etc.)