Concerning "Hooah!"
Hooah (who-ah), adj. U.S. Army Slang. Referring to, or meaning anything and everything except "no." Generally used when at a loss for words. Also:
1.good copy, solid copy, roger, good or great; message received, understood.
2.glad to meet you, welcome.
3.I do not know, but will check on it, I haven't the vaguest idea.
4.I am not listening.
5.that is enough of your drivel--sit down.
6.stop sniveling.'ve got to be kidding.
9.thank you.
10.go to the next [briefing] slide. have taken the correct action.
12.I don't know what that means, but am too 13.embarrassed to ask for clarification.
14.that is really neat, I want one too.
Hooah (who-ah), adj. U.S. Army Slang. Referring to, or meaning anything and everything except "no." Generally used when at a loss for words. Also:
1.good copy, solid copy, roger, good or great; message received, understood.
2.glad to meet you, welcome.
3.I do not know, but will check on it, I haven't the vaguest idea.
4.I am not listening.
5.that is enough of your drivel--sit down.
6.stop sniveling.'ve got to be kidding.
9.thank you.
10.go to the next [briefing] slide. have taken the correct action.
12.I don't know what that means, but am too 13.embarrassed to ask for clarification.
14.that is really neat, I want one too.