I agree that doing away with crosshairs is harder on accuracy, but that's the point. That's why you raise the sites to make use of them. You know, line up the three white dots and give it a double tap. With the gun in a casual firing position, you lose accuracy (both hard coded into the game since your arms are much less stable in that position) and on your monitor, as well. But when you raise the sites, or enter a standing/crouching/lying position, you should sacrifice speed (try running with your arms outstretched, its next to impossible and you look retarded) for the added bonus of accuracy.
The point is, if Infiltration wants to be all it can be, and all that, you need the realism. Fact of the matter is, it's a lot harder to kill a guy then it seems. Remember, even the slightest degree of variation on the barrel's orientation sends the bullet off on a completely different vector. And that's important since I figure for a real game of INF, you're get one death per round. If you wanna add strategy, it can't just be a run-and-gun, and that's really the importance of eliminating the crosshair and making aiming all the more real, as well as removing the ability to run with an aimed gun (as seen in Serpentine, I always liked that feature, very real.)
And another thing, reloading should be done one cartridge/shell at a time for sniper rifles and shotguns. Its really annoying thumbing shells into a shotgun, unable to change weapons while you're being gunned down, violently mashing the buttons trying to interrupt the sequence. If you can thumb a couple shells in, then somebody comes along on your ass, you can stop reloading, fire those shells, and get the hell outta dodge if you didn't kill him. Where's the rule that says a shotgun has to have a full load before being able to use it.
And, on that topic, when you drop a clip, all the cartridges in that clip get dropped with it. I mean, who has time to thumb out all the cartridges in the magazine, put them in a new one, and save it for later?
And, on the topic of rounds, you should get rid of the ammunition counter. I can understand a clips remaining counter, but to actually count the bullets fired for you - that should be your own job.