High-Tech Terror

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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Okay, I honestly got bored with the boycott of the forums, so I've come back, and my new signature includes the use of the word "****", so that's cool, and if you actually read the signature over, you'll see why it is so, so true.

Anyways, yes. I've missed you, my little peons, and my long, thief-like fingers have missed drooling over many a good idea.

INF is looking better than ever, much as the girl across the street does as her breasts grow with maturity.

How have you all been? Good I hope.

Here's some stuff I recommend you all do.

1) Download the MDK2 demo. Its made by BioWare, a kick-ass Edmonton (that's a city in Canada for any of you foreigners) based company, and you undoubtedly know some of their work. On my system, this game looks awesome, but unfortunately I had to spend most of the time playing it wiping up blood splotches with a kleenex. Why the blood splotches? Its so damn pretty, it gave me a nose bleed. That, and an odd, feces-and-urine smell is emenating from my crotch. Yes children, its that good and wholesome for you.

2) Watch the Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty trailer over and over until you can recite the script in English and Japanese, synched perfectly with the video. It is truly beautiful (reference: the girl across the street)

3) Watch the Evil Dead series (including Army of Darkness) over and over, until you can recite the script, synched perfectly with the video. Then laugh at how much Duke Nukem went from a cute kid's shoot-em-up to a cheap Bruce Campbell rip-off-athon.

4) Play Bad.Mojo's drinking game.

-Everytime I say the word "****" that's a half shot (you'll be drunk after one post, I promise)
-Everytime I say the word "shit", that's a shot too.
-Everytime I reference somebody's ass, nose, or autoerotic tendencies, that's a shot. (eg: "Take your head out of your ass", "stop picking your nose for a while and..." or "if you just didn't masturbate so much you'd...")
-Everytime I mention how much I love guns, cars, women, or hunting, that's a chug.
-Everytime some no-name forum newbie tries to challenge me, first a: laugh at them for what you know is about to come and b: take a shot
-Everytime I get something cut from my post for being "to vulgar" for swearing, that's a chug.

Enjoy your trip to the Hospital's Stomach Pump, children.

Something to think about: If you started giving kids the chair, they'd probably stop shooting each other.

Something else to think about: You can't see inside your head by lighting a q-tip on fire.

Yet another thing to contemplate: While sitting on the crapper, don't strain to hard, or you might have an aneurism. I know how good a really nice shit feels, but its not worth your brain exploding and flooding with blood.

That's all for now kids.

Try not to think TOO hard, okay?

Why is it scenes of violence and substance abuse are readily consumed by society, but displays of beauty such as the naked body or expressions of emotion such as swearing are treated as taboo?

Because people are ****ing stupid.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Whoops, I forgot that autocensor was on (you know, the one I warned you all about at the start of my boycott that was adamantly denied?) anyways, all the ****s you see are instances of the following sequence of letters, minus the spaces and unscrambled for your Junior Jumble playing pleasure:

What Does Bad.Mojo Punctuate Every Word With?


YOU figure it out.

I find it horribly ironic that people will lie complacent while a piece of forum software decides what you have a right to say and not say, while any 5-year-old girl with severe autism could figure out what those asteriks mean, and that they will, however, actively talk about REAL guns killing REAL people in a simulated environment.

Being politically correct is much like being a spider monkey, it mostly involves flinging around a whole lot of shit.

Why is it scenes of violence and substance abuse are readily consumed by society, but displays of beauty such as the naked body or expressions of emotion such as swearing are treated as taboo?

Because people are ****ing stupid.


New Member
May 22, 2000
Hi Mojo,

as "some no-name forum newbie" I have two questions:

a) What is your problem about newbies?
b) How old are you? (Just interested, have no carnal intentions with you.)

For now, I am going to take a shot or two...

"He jests at scars, that never felt a wound."


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Got not problem with newbies, man. Its the no-name newbies that challenge me that I don't like. You know the type, I'm sure. The kind that come in here, saying this and that, frequently misplelin ... damn... mipelling... dammit... misspelling their words and not realizing they have a backspace key. I mean, I was a newbie once too, but hey, I wasn't an obnoxious twat. I always usually end up calling them out, usually with alot of cursing and making fun of their mothers/sisters/grandmothers/dogs/pet rocks, and questioning their overall IQ. Then Mr. T would come along and say what I said much nicer than how I said it, and actually offer a valid criticism that the person in question could sit through without crying. Then Snakeye would come along and tell us both to shut up.

That is what the Africans call the "Circle of Life", I think.

Those Africans know EVERYTHING, you know... forget Zen.

As for your second question, I think you DO have carnal intentions, but that's okay, because I let my girlfriend sleep with other girls, so she better let me sleep with other men. Assuming, you are, of course, a man. If not, than she best be ready to let me sleep with another girl. Tell you what, I'll call her up and ask her...


Nope, its a no-go. She threatened to nail my scrotum to my forehead. Sorry about that. But to actually ANSWER your second question, well well well my friend, do I ever have a sex-a-licious surprise for you. 19/M/Canada PIC AVAILABLE!!!!!!1!!!1!!!@ PM ME!!!!!!@1!!1

Woo baby.

Lets cyber.

Why is it scenes of violence and substance abuse are readily consumed by society, but displays of beauty such as the naked body or expressions of emotion such as swearing are treated as taboo?

Because people are ****ing stupid.


New Member
May 22, 2000
Thanks for telling me, but I am just an old fart who was courious (is that spelled right? Where is the random house dictonary when I need it...). The only pleasures I like to have fulfilled online are posting more or less stupid messages to forums and sniping peoples heads off/getting my own messed up head sniped off. Hope you are not disappointed.

BTW, I you like shit, try http://www.scheisse.de /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

"He jests at scars, that never felt a wound."


Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
Hi MOJO good or bad, I don't give a **** ;)

I'm just insanely happy to see your obnoxious red smiley again! It's been sorely missed.
All that bitter irony and sarcasm you've thrown in these forums just made my days seem brighter.
So, your busy with your lady... Too bad but then again, hey, I'm a man! hehehe
"carnal" my ass! Sex and violence is what makes the world go round!

Welcome back you F-ing bastard! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

C. (No-Name actually but I'd hate to see you make fun of the female line in my family or the male one for that matter)
/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

The Old Lie;
Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
You were on boycot? Why that - I just thought you had some top-secret mission in South-America or Iraq..
Anyway good to have you back. Maybe you have missed a few things, like Warren announching he'll make this mod just like counterstrike!

just kidding..
maybe we should start a poll:
Who is glad that Bad.Mojo is back?
- Yep
- Nope
- he was away?
- WTF is bad.mojo?


anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
poll started, baby

Why is it scenes of violence and substance abuse are readily consumed by society, but displays of beauty such as the naked body or expressions of emotion such as swearing are treated as taboo?

Because people are ****ing stupid.


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
You know mojo, I kind of respect you... I mean, being able to string together unrelated and meaningless information and make it sound good is a major advantage in todays world. You should become a PR Rep or a manager... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I know. I think I can bullshit my way through anything and still manage to sound like the smart one. Hell, with my skills, I could probably save ION Storm.

Of course, its always nice to be able to string together relevant info, such as a series of right hooks followed by a left cross. Nothing like backing up your point with some fisticuffs a'flyin'!

I don't worship Satan, Satan worships me.


May 8, 2000
Welcome back Bad.Mojo.
The board was getting downright respectable with out you.

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/pop/katton/Katton.gif" height="30" width="81" border="0">

"You can run, but you'll only die tired."


The Grand Elitist
Dec 24, 1999
Yess, welcome back. ya...

Anyway, i was thinking about that violence thing for a second. Now, do people get jealous over violence? Somehow i doubt i would get jealous about hearing how some guy in kansas or something lopped off this guys nads and stuck in a jar. BUT, some people would feel a little envious of someone who, even though was no where near you, could get any woman he/she wanted.

Human nature i suppose.




Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I'd honestly be more jealous of violence than sex... I mean, sex does kinda tick me off, all these purported playaz and all that crap, but anybody that can beat out my incredibly, insanely high pain threshold just annoys me (ie: I pierced my labret [that's the divot between your lip and your chin] using a nail, by hammering it to a board, and I had my girlfriend hold a cigarette to me for fifteen seconds without a bodily reaction, until finally SHE caved in and pulled it away, i've jumped off three story buildings without hesitation) This was just a natural talent I was born with, the incredibly stupid ability to block all sensations. I guess I've effectively killed my soul... now if I worked out a little more, I could be some sort of assassin... but that would just be wrong, huh? Anyways, as I was saying, this was just an ability I was born with and it would really piss me off if anybody could beat that ability. Of course, there's tradeoffs, like I'm deathly afraid of spiders, and have nasty vertigo. But hey, its built in genetic safeguards. Can't have a superhuman, now can we?

I don't worship Satan, Satan worships me.