Hey neo82...

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Just red your post on starting a new mod. Do you know much about coding. If not i'm a newbie also and i'm looking for someone that I could exchange idea's with. Some of the stuff in UnrealScript gives me a head ache. So if you thing ya might be interested in a part time partner give me a ring.



Your no the only one!!! I´ve read some tutorilas and the beginners guide and - well, it gave me headache to. But not only do I have to learn unrealscript, but 3D Studio Max too, and it gives me even more headache. I guess I´ll take one step at the time. If you have some suggestions or just something, then you can e-mail me at neo82@usa.net
By the way, I wanted to do a mod based on ...Matrix (suprised?)
I know there is one in development for Half-Life, but I think Unreal is better then Half-Life (at least the engine)
It´s a long way to go...


Matrix? Then you'd perhaps like to know that players have a fixed up/down orientation, that is part of the engine. I can't even take fancy flying maneuvers in the editor /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif


If I destroyed your dream, you didn't dream hard enough in the first place. It might still be possible to some extend. The way to make the "upside down" now is by warp portals (DM2001). I'm sure you could make the illusion by code, but it isn't a easy one. Become a Esher(?) fan 1st, if you ain't already. Work towards Unreal2.