Whatsup everyone. I'm new to this board, and I recently got into playin' Unreal during the past few days. It's a kick *** game, although it does have it's faults in comparision to Quake 3 Arena(ehhehm....can you say, gore?Quake 3's gore is MUCH MUCH cooler..Unreal's just plain sucks!)
BTW, can anybody tell me how to get the music files ripped? Is it off the CD or what? My favorite track(so far) is the one the game plays in Terranieux(that spaceship level with the Bio Waste). The music in the second level after the lights go off one by one and the Skaarj comes out is pretty cool. Any help would be appreciated. Even more, if I can get a link to a site that has Unreal's music for downloading, that woud be even better. Thanks.
BTW, can anybody tell me how to get the music files ripped? Is it off the CD or what? My favorite track(so far) is the one the game plays in Terranieux(that spaceship level with the Bio Waste). The music in the second level after the lights go off one by one and the Skaarj comes out is pretty cool. Any help would be appreciated. Even more, if I can get a link to a site that has Unreal's music for downloading, that woud be even better. Thanks.