hey Cleaner or other keybinding whizzes!

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a.k.a. Zeus, ruler o' the universe
May 6, 2000
I just don't get it I guess...

I have a weapon grouping. what I don't understand is this: the weapon grouping is simply getweapon blah | getweapon boo | getweapon whatever

and it hits the last one first, then cycles as you keep repeating keystrokes provided you have the weapons.

so this seems kind of boolean to me.

why do weapon groups work like that, and other binds like Jump | Fire actually just executes both commands simultaneously? I'm confused because I want to set a key to switch back and forth between high FOV/high mouse sensitivity for close range fights and default FOV/low mouse sensitivty for longer range tracehitting. the only way I can see to make this work is:

Set  Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 3.75 | FOV 90 | OnRelease Set  Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 4.5 | OnRelease FOV 100

(i'm on a mac, mouse sens is different than windows btw) but I DON'T want it to be onrelease, I want a toggle. If I just take out the onrelease though... what will this do (i can test that of course) but more importantly WHY will it do that given the other two examples of the "|" connector treating a bind combo differently from weapon cycling to simultaneous execution?

thanks for the input, whoever can clear this up for me.


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
My guess as to how the weapons work, is that it actually does do all three commands simultaneously. ie you get weapon blah, immediately change to weapon boo then once again immediately change to weapon whatever.

I think it may toggle as it knows the weapon that's in your hand at the time, and starts the sequence there (maybe?).

I can see you not wanting it to be a toggle, as it's hard to do the close range fighting while holding down an extra button at the same time. Without knowing, I think that if the weapon part I stated above is the logic, then removing the onrelease should work. It'll see which you're using, then switch to the other.

Then again, I've found even simple keybinds to work on solo, and act a completely other way online :/

Try removing the onrelease and post what happened. I'm curious about this one.


New Member
Mar 27, 2000
have you tried making an alias? i have no idea if this will work but try this in User.ini:

Aliases[n]=(Command="Set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 3.75 | FOV 90 | set input x zoomin",Alias=zoomout)
Aliases[n+1]=(Command="Set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 4.5 | FOV 100 | set input x zoomout",Alias=zoomin)

where "x" is the key you want to press for the toggle.
you need to search for this key in User.ini and bind it to either "zoomin" or "zoomout".

once again, i don't know if this will work, but you can give it a try. :)


a.k.a. Zeus, ruler o' the universe
May 6, 2000
oh, i get it, as far as it switching to the highest on the list then. I'm not sure about it "knowing" what you are currently using though and just ignoring that step as a result.. is that accurate?

when you set up an alias like that, does it just use the first alias the first time you press a key that has more than one alias set for it, then the second one the second time, the xth one the xth time you press the button? If that's all there is to it then finally that makes some sense to me :)


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Actually, now that you mention it, the weapon should go to the last one on your list that's available when you click the button.

As for making the fov into a toggle, I'll check our private forums. I remember Harm making a insta-rocket toggle. I'll see if that would work in this case.

The easy solution would be to bind 2 keys. One for zoom, one for un-zoom.