Yea, I read it after you said that but "We need the same tactics and the same kind of get-tough attitude that has been so successful in the War On Drugs!" would have been my first clue, lol. And the little graph at the end was funny as hell, if some lines with no numbering or any info about the statistics can be considered a graph.
Kinda reminds me of that one website calling for the illegalization of some <insert fancy chemical name>, but it turned out to be just water, and they used alot of technically true, but very misleading facts, I believe to make an example of what a website with such misleading stats *COUGH*HCI*COUGH* can do to an unsuspecting and ignorant public.
Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!