Help with the skin maker

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New Member
Jan 23, 2006
0 trying ot make a skin but im not having much luck with it because when i start a new project...i hav no models...i wonna get a model but i dont know how to do that...also i wonna know how to change the wireframe of that model...i wonna put a helment on this guy and horn..but i dont know how to do how do i take the textures of another skin an put it on this wireframe? there a way i can just modify the old skin to my interest with assind lorns and a helment and an armor? if neone knows nething that can help with this please let me in a jam thanx


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
A warm welcome from me too :wavey:

UTG has said all essential things

good luck and happy skinning/modelling :tup: