Sorry if this sounds dense but I just came back to PC gaming after playing consoles for years. The first thing I wanted to do was play UTGOTY which I played to death as a kid, downloaded it on steam and fired it up. As soon as I do, my resolution changes and my screen just goes black. I can hear the theme song which is killing me because it makes me want to play even more. It looks like everything is just really blown up and the menu or whatever is offscreen, because when I go to task manager to quit everything is huge. Again, I know I sound dense, but what do I need to change to get this going? Tried lowering my resolution beforehand, etc. I'm on a brand new acer aspire laptop, I know all my components are well able to run it but I just can't get it going and it's driving me crazy. Thanks, let me know if you need more info (I'm sure you need more info).