Hello, am having some trouble to skin custom weapons.
These custom weapons are nothing more than the original UT weapons with a new skin and features, and the features are already done, but i am having trouble to skin them.
So, how do I skin my weapon to show the right skin in player view, third person view and pickup view?
I already put an additional code to the weapons like this:
The MultiSkin[1] could be MultiSkin[2], depending on the weapon, and it's this skin that changes from player's view to pickup view.
This worked very well , but for third person view i don't know how to change it to the right skin.
Hope you help me and sorry for my noob question
P.S.: I am using UED2.0
These custom weapons are nothing more than the original UT weapons with a new skin and features, and the features are already done, but i am having trouble to skin them.
So, how do I skin my weapon to show the right skin in player view, third person view and pickup view?
I already put an additional code to the weapons like this:
var(Display) texture Skin2; // Skin is the pickup skin, and Skin2 is the player's view skin
// Become a pickup.
function BecomePickup()
MultiSkins[1] = Skin;
// Become an inventory item.
function BecomeItem()
MultiSkins[1] = Skin2;
The MultiSkin[1] could be MultiSkin[2], depending on the weapon, and it's this skin that changes from player's view to pickup view.
This worked very well , but for third person view i don't know how to change it to the right skin.
Hope you help me and sorry for my noob question
P.S.: I am using UED2.0
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