HELP!!!! Problems with INF_DMLesVallees

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Ummmm..I tried downloading this map, and when i try 2 extract the texture it gives me this BULLSH!T.....................

Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\WINZIP\wz32.dll - 09/26/97 06:30
Extracting to "c:\windows\TEMP\"
Use Path: yes Overlay Files: yes
Extracting MDC.UTX
bad CRC aeb71b19 (should be 7abfcbdc)

Ummm... what does them pretty words mean? And this is my 3rd time downloading it, whats up with that? /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif


Hey thanks. I downloaded from the SOB_FTP and it works great. I think the map depot did something wrong or something.