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Selene's martyr
Nov 3, 2001
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Hi, I have a few question regarding using a new HUD in a mutator. I've read a few tutorials on HUD's but most of them indicate that the best way to use the new hud, is by making a new game type. But I don't really need to make a new game type. I've used the PostRender function in the mutator subclass of my package, but I don't really know how to make if work. Please if someone out there have any experience with HUD's and know how to run them from a mutator (NOT GAMETYPE) I would be thankful if you can clear this doubt I have, thanks.


Lead coder
Oct 22, 2001

Assuming your PostRender function in your mutator function is properly set up, this Tick function will make it work:

Function Tick(float DeltaTime)
if (!bHUDMutator)

Or, if you already have a function Tick, just add the if Statement + function call. If you want to make really clean and fast code, and don’t have a function Tick yet, you could disable Tick when your HUD mutator is registered, by adding this:


under the RegisterHUDMutator call.

By the way, to clear things up: you really DON’T need a gametype to add things to the HUD. If you want a totally new HUD, so you don’t want the normal things (ammo, weapons, frags) drawn on the HUD, yes then you need a gametype. Another thing you need a gametype for is to make a new scoreboard.

Hope this helps you,
