Help bizzre lag problem in MP mode.

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New Member
Dec 24, 1999
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Ok for staters here are my stats:

P2 450
128 megs of ram
Cable modem connection.

Ok here is my problem. It seems that any multiplayer game that I go into and play no matter what the ping level I always seem to get this bizzarre freeze every 1 or 2 second or so. Its really annoying. The pause mind you is VERY breif however when it happens every other second it can REALLY piss you off. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with my conn because I get awesome performance and it happens on pretty much every server. Even ones I have very good pings with. So ummm what is the deal here?? Is there something wrong with my copy of UT?
For some reason this seems to keep happening,
no matter what server.

"The only time you must worry about is the one that strikes at six!"


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
San Antonio, Texas
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I have the same problem, plus alot more so don't feel alone.....Everyone that is having problems should e-mail epic at [email protected] and complain about the problems that they are having. If they see there is a problem they will be more likely to respond.

Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?-Galatians 4:16

[This message has been edited by Cebu (edited 12-26-1999).]