Hello again for those that remember me

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New Member
Sep 28, 2016
North Hollywood
Decided to try and find what all my old UT Excessive pals where up to.
All My NRG, CFH peeps. And all the other people I enjoyed playing UT EO with. Hope everyone is well.
You can email me if you want to say hi, If I miss a reply to this thread. acumental@gmail.com
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Nov 12, 2014
Motion! I gave up on ever seeing you again years ago, and to think you'd just pop up like this. Well, it's great to see you again. :) I had a server going and some UT99 EO action about a year ago for a brief while. I was also trying my hand at coding a new EO and getting it playtested. It was fun, you just missed it. But, it fell off and I started to create an EO for UT4. CTF is alive and well in UT4 and plays pretty good. UT4 is probably my favorite UT for playing unmodded, and it's still technically pre-alpha. I'm burned out at the moment and needed a break, so I went back to what I've been doing most of these years since, playing MMORPG's. Not much to tell with me, really.

How about you, old friend? :)

Pssst Maest get in here and say hello! I know there are more of you lurking in the shadows too. -_-

- Rip/Sonic


New Member
Sep 28, 2016
North Hollywood
Hey Rip , real good to hear you are doing well.
Been a long time man. Still remember all those days we were obsessed with UT:EO lol. Learning & practicing all the tricks and in and outs of every map.
I remember I stopped playing UT as much as I used to, then a little while after, my PC crashed. Lost everything. Then when I got another PC, mostly everyone had stopped playing and I stopped as well. Life happened and I stopped gaming for a while.
Later on I got a gaming laptop and played UT:2004 for a while. It was fun but didn't have the same "magic" or community UT99 had.
Anyhow more life happened, only did light gaming off and on. Got into gaming again years later when I build a new gaming PC. Played Counterstrike : GO, Age of Empires, Battlefield 3, Borderlands 2, Left 4 Dead, APB: Reloaded, and a few others.
As far as current gaming goes, I spend all my time on Overwatch now and Diablo 3. I go by "MrPickle" now lol (Long story) Might go back to MotionMan one day.
My steam account name is "chrisbeast1" , current steam tag is "Pickle"
If you guys use "Battle.net" my tag is "MrPickle#1346"
My email is in the first post.
Hit me up anytime. Ill keep checking on this thread when I get time.


Hey bud, long time as well. Good to hear about your life and you are doing good as well.
As for me , kinda the same thing , Job kids etc.
Stopped playing UT for various reasons like I said above to RIP but, also had to do with my job and my girlfriend. She would complain that I didnt spent time with her and all that lol.
Thoughtout the years I had 2 kids with her but we split up. Never married (thank god). Get the kiddos on the weekends though.
Still living in Cali. North Hollywood area.
My love for gaming came back though and im currently wrecking noobs on Overwatch :)
Dont know if ill ever play UT again. Ill have to look for the cd/dvd's and codes for the game.(if i even have them anymore)
But ill play any of the other games I mentioned with you guys if you are down.
Also, damn i remember the 56k days.
This is my current speed, during peak hours right now sunday evening.

PS. Why do posts have to be reviewed before they are viewed by all in this forum? Took forever for this reply to be posted. Guess, because I'm new here.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Not sure when I last saw the MotionMan. Feels like it was back in my 56k days which was forever-ago. Anyway, great to hear from you again. Click this little button circled below and get notified if there's any updates here.

Rip only mentioned it in passing, but he really is making EO for UT4. Check out this link for some videos.

Anyway, what's new with you? Something noteworthy must have happened in 10+ years (how long has it been?).

For me: college, grad school, real job, marriage, kid, move to Pac NW, kid2, kid3 on the way,... still playing UT.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
So apparently, MotionMan's responses have been sitting in some sort of moderation queue all week. He PM'd them to me and I'm posting them below for him until they get sorted out of the queue.

MotionMan said:
Hey Rip , real good to hear you are doing well.
Been a long time man. Still remember all those days we were obsessed with UT:EO lol. Learning & practicing all the tricks and in and outs of every map.
I remember I stopped playing UT as much as I used to, then a little while after, my PC crashed. Lost everything. Then when I got another PC, mostly everyone had stopped playing and I stopped as well. Life happened and I stopped gaming for a while.
Later on I got a gaming laptop and played UT:2004 for a while. It was fun but didn't have the same "magic" or community UT99 had.
Anyhow more life happened, only did light gaming off and on. Got into gaming again years later when I build a new gaming PC. Played Counterstrike : GO, Age of Empires, Battlefield 3, Borderlands 2, Left 4 Dead, APB: Reloaded, and a few others.
As far as current gaming goes, I spend all my time on Overwatch now and Diablo 3. I go by "MrPickle" now lol (Long story) Might go back to MotionMan one day.
My steam account name is "chrisbeast1" , current steam tag is "Pickle"
If you guys use "Battle.net" my tag is "MrPickle#1346"
My email is in the first post.
Hit me up anytime. Ill keep checking on this thread when I get time.

MotionMan said:
Hey bud, long time as well. Good to hear about your life and you are doing good as well.
As for me , kinda the same thing , Job kids etc.
Stopped playing UT for various reasons like I said above to RIP but, also had to do with my job and my girlfriend. She would complain that I didnt spent time with her and all that lol.
Thoughtout the years I had 2 kids with her but we split up. Never married (thank god). Get the kiddos on the weekends though.
Still living in Cali. North Hollywood area.
My love for gaming came back though and im currently wrecking noobs on Overwatch :)
Dont know if ill ever play UT again. Ill have to look for the cd/dvd's and codes for the game.(if i even have them anymore)
But ill play any of the other games I mentioned with you guys if you are down.
Also, damn i remember the 56k days.
This is my current speed, during peak hours right now sunday evening.


New Member
Jul 5, 2018
Hey MM, I know it’s late but glad to hear from you! Glad you are still playing, overwatch is a fun game, I’m sure you are killing it! It’s been forever, hope life is treating you well!!